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Best practices around managing log files ?

Over time there is quiet a bit of log accumulation.

Are there any best practices around managing the size and the amount of logs ?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Mad Hatter? 

For all intents and purposes you could shut the server down during a quiet period. Just make sure that you dont have any running jobs. Then remove all the log files under /opt/trifacta/logs or move them to a different location to retain them for a certain period of time. That might free up additional space.


In addition, all information under the /opt/trifacta/logs/jobs/ folder are the logs associated with each job execution. These are the files you download via the UI.

You could delete legacy job logs. The side effect would be that you may run into errors when you try to access non-existing logs from within the UI


You can also clean additional files in the /tmp directory.

In the /tmp directory Tomcat temp files are building up, like in the below example. They are owned by the Trifacta user and result out of the diagnostic server running.


Executing the command 'ls -l /tmp | grep trifacta' may show the following


drwxr-xr-x 3 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:44 tomcat.641860990580305220.43033

drwxr-xr-x 3 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:45 tomcat.7022083495140624714.41920

drwxr-xr-x 3 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:45 tomcat.7484418721162811396.43143

drwxr-xr-x 2 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:44 tomcat-docbase.3362476040486464724.43033

drwxr-xr-x 2 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:45 tomcat-docbase.6300293746631420136.43143

drwxr-xr-x 2 trifacta  trifacta  4096 Dec 5 19:45 tomcat-docbase.850017648235712059.41920


To stop the Trifacta Diagnostic Server and clean up the temp files, you can perform the following steps

  • switch to the Trifacta user
  • go to /opt/trifacta and execute the command "bin/ --stop diagnostic-server"
  • delete the tomcat tempfiles and directories in /tmp


I hope that helps


Thanks @Sebastian Cyris? , this makes sense.

Will let you know if I have other questions.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Article on using job logs: