Hi everyone,
May I know if there is a way to disable http access for Alteryx Connect (20223)?
I see port 80 is a required port but may I block the user from access http://alteryxconnect.xxx ?
If you are using SSL, you can set the checkbox to redirect http:// to the 443 port that uses https://
Refer to the article that explains how to set up SSL by importing a .pfx file. On the third page of the Installer, you will see the checkbox beneath the path to the keystore. If you go through the installation to import Intermediate and Root certs as noted in step 11 of that article, you can make sure the box is checked at that time.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your reply
But my idea is to also avoid user from accessing http://<IP> or http://<machine name>
I am now finding a way to implement through modifying the config under the alteryx connect tomcat server
Or may I know if there some other better way to do this?
Doing what I described didn't achieve that? I will have to test next week.
I have only recently learned of the concept of HSTS. I think that is what you were asking. I don't know whether it is a current out-of-the-box option, but I will check internally. I can tell you that Connect uses Tomcat, and if there is a convenient way to do that using Tomcat, that is probably the best first step toward what you want.