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Email notification questions

8 - Asteroid

So there was a similar post on email notifications previously that I asked a question on, but I have a couple of questions that have come out of that.


1. If you remove the configuration of the SMTP server while you are in development, then put the SMTP server configuration back in when you are finished setup, will all the changes that have happened in the interim all be sent as a bulk send? (If not, is this a risk when an email server is unavailable for a period of time that changes/comments will be missed?)


2. The email notifications that are received are not easily marked or flagged/prefixed as coming from Alteryx. I expect that this is on purpose so that data owners can't "hide" from changes/comments on their areas of expertise, but from a time management point of view, it would be good to be able to flag them in some way so that a rule can be run on them in the users inbox, and they can batch up their reviews/answers.


For example if there was a prefix like [Alteryx Connect] then this would be easier...


Interested in others thoughts on this. Is it done like this on purpose??


Hi @JoTP ,


what you are describing definitely makes sense. 

Could I ask you to create an Idea post for it, so it doesn't get lost? 

That's regarded to the prefix. 


As for the SMTP server, there is currently no queue implemented, so yes - if the smtp server is down, the notifications will not be delivered at all. 

You can definitely create an idea for that as well. 


Vojta T., PM for Data Connectors
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5 - Atom

As a workaround, how about setting up a local SMTP relay on the Alteryx Connect server to queue emails when there are connectivity or SMTP issues?


Hi @jim_2bi ,


the SMTP settings is practically the same since version 2, so you are right it deserves some enhancements. 

In 2019.2 we are giving the user an option to opt-out from the notifications caused by the metadata loaders. 


There are already some suggestions in Ideas how to improve the SMTP experience in Connect, so feel free to expand them. 

Vojta T., PM for Data Connectors
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