I am able to connect to the AlteryxConnect server and the AlteryxConnect services and Tomcat are also up and running. But the web page for Alteryx Connect is throwing the 404 error. What else do I need to check for to get the we
Are you able to connect to the web UI using 'localhost' on the server where Connect is installed?
Hi @laxmicheela
I suggest to contact customer support.
make sure you attach Connect_catalina.log from server and screenshot of the error.
The connect URL should not have /gallery at the end. Try again without /gallery
I suspect that Microsoft IIS is blocking the port.
You should see some Tomcat web server instead of IIS.
Did you installed there something recently?
I would try to stop IIS and then restart connect service.
I just went to IIS and stopped the service and restarted the Connect, but it did not work.
As I said, the Tomcat services have been running.
Am I missing anything?
I think that there might be problem with occpuied port.
So the IIS must be stopped on that machine. So the Http://localhost should not display anything.
Than you need to start the Alteryx Connect service - during the startup it binds to port 80.
There micht be exeptions like installed connect with SSL. Than it can bind to port 443 (https://localhost)
So the first plan is to make sure that the port for tomcat server is FREE. In second step, the connect itself might can be debugged.
But to diagnose this someone migt want to see it. Or you need to provice logs. (connect_catalina.log and also catalina.log might be helpful)
I sent the catatlina log files to Alteryx Support. Do you want me to include here. I tried, what you said, nothing works.
Please let me know. Thanks