When I'm on the Flow workspace, if I do a click on a recipe, the steps displays on the float right box.
Unfortunately, i'can't select and copy steps :-/
I'm forced to load the recipe to copy steps before past it in another recipe. I think that everyone would gain some time to copy steps directly from the Flow view !
PS : Sorry for my bad English, I'm a French user.
Please add features to your current "Folder" feature by allowing us to share them with other users, move a flow that has been "shared" with us from the root folder to a sub-folder, etc.
Someone has already submitted an idea for multiple levels of sub-folders which was another request that we had. Thanks.
We use heavily Tibco Data Virtualization server views and web services in our organization.
We need to have official connector supported by Trifacta to connect and fetch data from those.
Parquet has been more performant than publishing to csv and love to have this feature implemented
Currently is scheduling allowed only on Instance level.
The request is to be able to allow scheduling for particular user, instead for all instance users.
Hello all,
Sometimes, you find some messy worklow and you want to make it clean
You can align manually the tools but it would be better to have the exact same function than on Alteryx Designer on-premise :
Best regards,
A client is organizationally structured where GCP project administration is separated from tool (Dataprep) administration. Currently, usage charts are only visible in the admin console which is only accessible by project admins. We would like an additional IAM role or an ability to see usage charts without the ability to make project changes.
Currently, when pivoting a specific field into multiple columns, all other fields you want present in the resulting table must be individually added to "row labels".
First off - It is very time consuming when you have a lot of columns to add.
Secondly - When new columns are added in the source data, these new fields are not automatically included. When this happens we need to:
When using an automation tool such as Trifacta I would expect that my flow can deal with new columns being added without having to go and fix my flow every time. Adding an option to add "All other fields" or being able to select the Fields to exclude would make this process much smoother and it would ensure that our flow is future proof.
Right now there is no place where team members can collectively create flows and share at one place. If given the option to share the Folders among different members just like we have for flows it will be lot easier. For Example: If there is a folder with 4 different flows, and I share the folder with my team mates they can edit and created new flows over there and can see all the 4 different flows already present. But if out of 4 flows if I share 2 flows with someone, they see the folder but they don't see the flows not shared with them.
We would like to connect Trifacta to a SharePoint file in a folder.
As far as I know, the current error logs for a failed Trifacta job do not tell the user which recipe, which recipe step, and on what data the error was thrown.
This lack of basic information on the Trifacta level makes it hard for a normal user to debug Trifacta jobs. Typically, I will have to work backwards in the flow, attaching and running an output for each recipe until I can find the culprit recipe causing the issues. Then, I will have to disable steps one by one until I find the step that causes the recipe to fail. This is time and resource consuming.
As for the offending data triggering the problem, I still don't know how to get that, and that's actually crucially important for an ongoing issue we're having with Spark execution.
Therefore, I suggest that improved and simplified error logging would be very helpful in fixing problems in the future. Thank you for your consideration.
My use case is that by looking at the target table data, i need to have a column which will indicate which flow has loaded data into that target table. this will be useful for bug fix and tracing back data issues to a flow.
Rgt now we are hardcoding this value as a new column in the recipe step, but if some developer changes the flow name he/she has to manually change the recipe step to reflect the flow name, instead if we can have a dynamic flow name like we have $Filepath for filepath on similar fashion it will be useful.
When I export a flow that contains a reference dataset, the name of the JSON file downloaded doesn't match the name of the flow that was exported. Instead it matches the name of the reference dataset inside the flow. I would like to change this so that a flow always keeps its original name when exported from Trifacta.
We need the full steps on GCP Dataprep and GCP to allow us to run scheduled jobs as a true service account (not a user account) and not require authentication of the owning user account (which is timing out in the night due to 16 hour policy for users we have)
So when we schedule a job we should be able to choose a true technical account to "run the job as".
We have an issue as our AD users are synchronised from on premise and a 16 hour timeout policy is applied to each user so any job scheduled with a user will fail after 16 hours and job will be disabled . There is no way for us at our company to sync ad users to GCP IAM without this policy from on premise so we need to be able to run with Service Account.
Please redirect the user back to the page where the session has expired, instead of redirecting to home once the user re-authenticates.
Current scenario we are seeing that the user will be redirected to home page instead of the page he was in when the session has expired after set time in the config, in my case after 30 mins. ( this is because sometime user goes to a meeting forgets about the page he was working and he has to re-open everything from home page after re-auth )
Have an option when scheduling jobs and if they fail to restart after X minutes. Most of the time when I have a job failure and rerun, it completes fine.
Allow a connection to a geo coding system, like USPS or Google, that allow you to join and run a demographics dataset through to have longitude and latitude added the output for mapping. I can see a lot of uses for this and especially in the Marketing and Advertising sector.
We often use hashing functions like fingerprint in SQL (Big Query) to mark or identify rows that match for specific attributes or to generate UUIDs. I know it's possible to do so by adding UDFs, but it would be more convenient to have a native function.