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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

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Pivot: Allow selecting All Fields or fields to exclude in "row labels"

Currently, when pivoting a specific field into multiple columns, all other fields you want present in the resulting table must be individually added to "row labels".

First off - It is very time consuming when you have a lot of columns to add.

Secondly - When new columns are added in the source data, these new fields are not automatically included. When this happens we need to:

  1. re-sample the data,
  2. make sure the new column is present,
  3. manually add it to the list in the row labels.

When using an automation tool such as Trifacta I would expect that my flow can deal with new columns being added without having to go and fix my flow every time. Adding an option to add "All other fields" or being able to select the Fields to exclude would make this process much smoother and it would ensure that our flow is future proof.