
Community news, customer stories, and more!

1. Home Page.png


The first Olympic games were in 1896 in Athens. Fourteen nations took part [1], and an epic tradition was born. Fast forward to today, and we have well over 14 countries represented in our online Community… and many users who enjoy competing.  


We know our Community members love a challenge. That’s why we are very excited to bring you the first inaugural Maveryx Community Olympic Games! The challenge starts on July 24th—read on to learn how you can get the gold and the glory this summer.


Go for the Gold


The Community Olympics event is a chance for you to earn points towards a bronze, silver, or gold medal (aka badge).


1. Gold Metal Badge.png


You can earn points by engaging in these categories below—note that point values are different depending on the activity.



  • Engage in an area in Community you never have before +75 
  • Join a User Group +150   
  • Fill out the Preferred Content section in your Preference Center on Mission Control +100  
  • Update your bio on your Community profile +100 





  • Submit a Success Story +500 
  • Share a workflow, app, or macro on the Gallery +150 
  • Share your thoughts by commenting on a blog or podcast post +50 
  • Add a solution to an unanswered discussion post +25 (+25 additional points if it is a non-English discussion thread)  


Here’s how we will tally these points up to determine your medal:

🥇Gold 500+ points 

🥈Silver 250-499 

🥉Bronze 100-249 


Points will be tallied and awards will be given after the event concludes.


Ancillary Event


But wait, there’s more! We have another event where you can compete with other users by posting your high scores here for the games hidden in Alteryx Designer. The leaderboard will be updated daily. Once the competition is live, we will link the thread in the comments of this blog.



Space Invaders in Designer


Competition Starts July 24th


The Community Olympics begin on July 24th and run through August 11th. Complete the activities during this time frame to work your way to the gold.


Best of luck to our (m)athletes!

