
Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Happy Monday Alteryx Community!
It's officially summer, and as temperatures rise, so does the activity in our Community.  In June alone, we reached 1 Million page views for the first time in history, published a total of 3,679 posts, received 1,911 stars, and solved 283 questions!
As we look back at our discussions and solutions this past months, let’s give special thanks to the folks who’ve demonstrated a true commitment to helping the community thrive.

Top Star Authors
MarqueeCrewMarqueeCrew     SeanAdamsSeanAdams     BenMossBenMoss
  1. @MarqueeCrew   119
  2. @SeanAdams   100
  3. @BenMoss   57

Check out where YOU rank in the Stars leaderboard


When it comes to Solutions, there's one guy who really stood out from the crowd. @BenMoss absolutely killed it in June, receiving nearly double the amount of accepted solutions over the next top contenders.


It shouldn't come as a surprise that Ben was a finalist in this years 2018 Grand Prix...  I can't help but wonder if this is perhaps some form of redemption for the heartbreak loss to @NicoleJohnson?! 😉




I'm only joking @BenMoss -- you're contributions on a daily basis are astounding, and we can't thank you enough!

 Top Solution Authors


BenMossBenMoss     danrhdanrh     MarqueeCrewMarqueeCrew 

  1. @BenMoss   51
  2. @danrh   28
  3. @MarqueeCrew  24

Check out where YOU rank in the solutions leaderboard


This month we also saw a pretty significant increase in Weekly Challenge participants.  The Popular Baby Names Challenge was of particular interest, receiving more replies in the first week than any prior challenge!
To celebrate this achievement, I thought it would be fun to include the folks who completed the most challenges throughout the month of June.
Top Weekly Challenge Contributors
kcoulonkcoulon     arein0arein0     justynamjustynam
  1. @kcoulon  35
  2. @arein0  34
  3. @justynam  27


And finally, let's not forget to give a special shout out to our ALL time Weekly Challenge contributors -- who consistently inspire and motivate fellow members to get in on the action week after week.


Rank Name Challenges Solved
1 @NicoleJohnson 122
2 @patrick_digan 122
3 @ggruccio 122
4 @SeanAdams 121
5 @estherb47 121
6 @LordNeilLord 118
7 @jamielaird 111
8 @PhilipMannering 110
9 @JosephSerpis 109
10 @Natasha 109
11 @jasperlch 109

Thank you to all of our Top Contributors for leading by example, by not only providing extraordinary solutions and thoughtful feedback, but for fostering the collaborative spirit of our Community in everything that they do.

Leah Knowles
Senior Manager, Community Management & Programs

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles
