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20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

When I messaged Chris that I was penning my “love” and “admiration” for him in a blog post, his immediate response was “Really?!”  “Yes,” I replied. And so today for those who don’t know him, I’ll introduce you to him. For the many who do know Chris (@chris_love), he needs no introduction and I welcome you to add to this blog-tribute to his work in the data-hobbyist communities of Tableau and Alteryx. 


In 2013, Chris represented our mutual employer well in winning the Alteryx Grand Prix! 



In 2014 he crushed the competition and was the first (and only) person to win the Grand Prix twice. He was in the first Alteryx ACE groups and may have been the first one announced.


In 2015, when challenged to answer his “10 things I love about Alteryx”, Chris responded with this awesome video: 



and also created an Alteryx Enigma Machine (Enigma Machine) in response to @dstoecker talking about it at Inspire.


I had the pleasure of presenting “Warm and Fuzzy Matching” with Chris in 2018. A top-rated break-out session we conducted an encore session in Anaheim (photo below – Left) and were asked to again present in Europe. In London, Chris altered his appearance just slightly so as to be both “warm” and “fuzzy”. 


chris love 2.jpg

chris love 3 (2).jpg


















I’ve been following in Chris’s footsteps (as have ACEs @BenMoss & @DavidP from The Information Lab) all along. I knew that I was becoming an active community member when I became #2 to Chris. I had no aspirations beyond that. I find great comfort in knowing that he’s leading the way. As a leader, Chris is a coach. He is a friend and advocate. When I started my ACE journey, Chris was there to both read and to reply to my first tweet. Chris has inspired me to become an ACE and to share my knowledge and to help others on their own journeys. 


About the time that I became an ACE, Chris added to his career highlights by becoming a Tableau Zen Master. This year, he entered the Tableau Zen “Hall of Fame”. While Chris points to his heroes in a recent LinkedIn post (Chris on LinkedIn) he’s always been one of my heroes.


Congratulations again to Chris for being inducted into the 2021 Tableau Zen Hall of Fame. For those wishing to follow him on twitter, @ChrisLuv, offers a weird mix of films, data, charts and nonsense. This nonsense applies to all of us and how we interact with data (knowingly or not) in our daily lives. I encourage others to see their own possibilities by learning from a master like Chris.


Congratulations Chris.


Note:  Community members should be cautious about any and all ACE/Zen Master recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on ACE/Zen Master selection.  Various factors, including self-worth and future valuations may influence or factor into an expert’s analysis or opinion.  While not currently holding any position in Chris, I am skewed to long-positions in Chris.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thank you for sharing your awesomeness with two great communities @chris_love 🎉

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Congrats  @chris_love !  

12 - Quasar

Ha ha, I said "really?" and you wrote it anyway 🙂 Thank you Mark, much appreciated even if acknowledgement doesn't come easy to me.


Thanks to you for your support along the way. Here's to the next 14 or 15 years (I lose count). 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Thanks for being an inspiration to many (myself included) and a fantastic teacher to all Chris.


It was an honor becoming an ACE in the first cohort alongside yourself!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
