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Alter Everything Podcast

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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This episode is the second installment of our special Live from Inspire Nashville series. We're joined by Nathan Patrick Taylor and Korri Jones, who each share their origin stories and their thoughts on the power of positivity.






Maddie Johannsen - @MaddieJ, LinkedIn,Twitter
Nathan Patrick Taylor - @NPT, LinkedIn, Twitter

Korri Jones - @KorriLinkedIn






Episode Transcription

MADDIE: 00:14 

[music] Welcome to Alter Everything, a podcast about data science and analytics culture. I'm Maddie Johannsen, and I'll be your host. For part two of our special Live from Inspire Nashville series, we're joined by Nathan Patrick Taylor and Korri Jones who each share their origins stories and their thoughts on the power of positivity. Let's get started. [music] 

MADDIE: 00:45 

All right. I'm here with Nathan. Welcome to the show. 

NATHAN: 00:48 

Thank you. Thanks for having me. Appreciate it. 

MADDIE: 00:50 

Nathan, why don't you tell everyone who you are? 

NATHAN: 00:52 

Yeah, yeah. So Nathan Patrick Taylor, the man with three names, I guess. I'm not pretentious. There's a legitimate reason why I do that. But I - let's see - have been an Alteryx customer now for three years. Well, I am part of the Healthcare User Group. So I'm a co-leader with Eduardo Segovia, Lynsie Daley, and now, Sarah Golnik joined us just a couple months ago. And we had a great kickoff meeting this morning here at Inspire. Breakfast nice, bright and early, everybody got out of bed. I was shocked. I think we sold out on the website in 15 minutes, had more than a hundred people signed up. So that was great. So yeah, it went really, really well. I, like I said, been a customer for three years, got into predictive analytics as well, spend some time with DataRobot, and then now I'm moving on to a role as a chief information officer for Symphony Healthcare. So been through actually doing the work, building the models, doing the workflows, putting them into production, and now, hopefully, I get to lead some of those initiatives as well. 

MADDIE: 02:00 

Amazing. Yeah. You're just moving on up. I feel like very quickly too. 

NATHAN: 02:04 

Well, maybe I give off a young vibe, but [I say?] I've been doing it for 20 years [laughter]? 

MADDIE: 02:11 

Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 

NATHAN: 02:12 

So it looks like it's happened kind of fast, but I credit some of that to Alteryx for sure. I mean, there is-- I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for having that be part of my life. And I told the story this morning at the Healthcare User Group meeting that I kind of found it on a whim. One of my students-- I was a instructor at Benedictine University in Chicago. And he came to me, and he said, "Nathan, you got to check out this really cool tool. It pulls data from multiple sources, and then you can manipulate it. You could load it back and do a database. You can email it out." And I was like, "Dude, it doesn't do that [laughter]. There's no way. There's no way something like that exists." And I downloaded the trial, spun through it myself. And, I mean, my jaw hit the floor. I was like, "No way. It does exactly what you said it does." And so that kind of began my journey in the Alteryx world, just me, by myself, [one?] designer license at another healthcare organization. And it just grew from there. I was able to get some momentum to have a couple more people get licenses. Then, we got server, and then it, yeah, just grew from there. And so I went from being just a baseline analyst to being the director of analytics and data science and moving on from there. So maybe a journey that began, at least in the data world, 10 years ago-- before that, I was a hardcore programmer. So I had that background as well. But, yeah, it's been a journey to get there but a fun one at the same time. 

MADDIE: 03:47 

Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. I had someone else earlier say that they were the lucky one to get the designer license too at their company and that they would quit if they took it away. I mean, I feel like that's-- and it sounds like you had that classic aha moment too when you realized that it worked as it says it does and everybody's talking to you about it. And you're like, "Okay. Wow. This is actually very amazing." So, yeah. 

NATHAN: 04:11 

Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, I think a lot of the things come down to speed. That's a big part of it. So how quickly can I produce a result, an output? And so a lot of the talking that we go through, just from a management perspective, is, when is good enough good enough? It doesn't have to be perfect and using the tools at your disposal. So I come from a hardcore programming background [where?] lots of SQL programming, lots of stuff in C++. And I could do some of that, what Alteryx does, if I want to spend the time writing all that code. I could. But I wouldn't be able to do it anywhere near as quickly as I can with Alteryx. And that's why I constantly [drive in?] people, "Use these tools. That's what they're here for. [Now you know?] to get it." Yeah, I definitely had those aha moments myself. I was like, "Holy cow. Imagine what we can do." Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing. 

MADDIE: 05:04 

So earlier, you mentioned the Healthcare User Group. And we actually used to work together on that one. I was the user group coordinator. And I feel like-- something that's always struck me about you-- you're a very positive person [laughter]. 

NATHAN: 05:20 

I try to be. 

MADDIE: 05:21 

Yeah. And I feel like it kind of-- for me, it's always been a joy to work with you just because of that positivity that you give off. And how do you think your positive attitude has played into your growth in your career? 

NATHAN: 05:37 

Yeah. Yeah. I appreciate the comment by the way. That's very nice. I'd say that the attitude is a big part of it in the hiring process. So I wanted to say it was a user group meeting. We talked about trying to find the ideal Alteryx employee or user. It's probably a better way to put it. And I said that that will to do the job sometimes trumps skill. So just because they're highly skilled, it doesn't mean they'll be a good fit. Do they have the desire to do the work? Are they eager? That attitude that sits behind all of that is important as well. I've seen highly skilled people that they're brilliant and certifiable geniuses, but they're mopey. They're grumpy. They're dull [laughter] to be brutally honest. And that can conflict, especially in a healthcare environment where you're dealing with a lot of different personalities. It could be doctors or nurses. It could be accounting. It could be finance. It could be insurance companies. I don't like calling my insurance company. It's not a fun, pleasant experience. So you have to have that positive attitude in [inaudible]. And I definitely think that's a big part of it. It's kind of cliche to say, but that can-do attitude does go a long way. That desire and will to get stuff done is hard to find. And some people can be-- they don't want to do the work. They don't want to put in the time. And that's a very hard trait to teach an older person [laughter]. It's very easy when they're young. But, yeah, it's a tough thing. So those are the people I gravitate towards. And I feel like I can teach you how to use a tool if you want to use it. But if you don't want to use it, I won't be able to teach you if you're not-- yeah, you just won't have the attitude to do it. So, yeah, it's a very Important part of it. 

MADDIE: 07:28 

Last night, I was talking with [Tracin Marks?] and Jarrod [the Aces?]. And they were saying something kind of similar where some people pick it up and some people don't. And the people who don't pick it up, it's just because their heart isn't in it. I mean, for me, I never thought I would be working at an analytics company. And, for me, it's just because I came from such a different background. But when I came here and I saw how excited everybody was, then that definitely drove me to want to learn more about it and really just embrace the culture and learn more about, not only analytics, but even-- I don't really know a ton about data science. And I'm not a coder or anything like that, but I feel like I have an interest in it. And I like talking to people about their experiences with it. And I think a lot of that goes back to just, yeah, that will to learn and how important that is to keep in people. But, also, I think I have a little bit of a competitive spirit. And so I think, for me, it's always been wanting to better myself and compete against myself in order to do something. And I, also, just like to brag a little bit that I know something that a lot of other people don't know about. You know what I mean? 

NATHAN: 08:54 

Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the Alteryx attitude in cultural value itself, is you are also surrounded by people who are generally very positive, excited to solve problems. And there is a little bit of a competitive nature on that. So that can be a good thing. So it feeds into everybody else that's part of the community as well. And so it's good to have that attitude in there also. What you mentioned about learning something new everyday, I think that's-- if I had my core personal values, positive attitude is definitely one of them. Another one would be to stretch yourself. Put yourself in an uncomfortable position every day or try to learn something new everyday. Don't rely on the way that you've always done something to solve a problem. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily find something new, but, at least, you're expanding what you're capable of doing rather than just saying, "I'm going to go buy it because I know Excel really well. I'm just going to use that every day." And that's the limitation I see, is people just don't want to take that leap and say, "Let me find-- maybe there's a better way to do it." And they just don't want to take that leap. 

MADDIE: 09:57 

Yeah. You and I talked about-- you are a tennis player. 

NATHAN: 10:02 

Yes. Yes, very much. 

MADDIE: 10:04 

So I feel like you probably have that kind of competitive edge too. Do you still play tennis? 

NATHAN: 10:10 

I do. I do from time to time, not the way that I did when I was younger, unfortunately, but that happens to all of us. But, yeah. 

MADDIE: 10:17 

Yeah. I feel like everybody always says that about their sports background. They're like, "Oh, I'm not that good anymore," but. 

NATHAN: 10:23 

You just [did?] [laughter]. I had somebody tell me when I was very young that age is the greatest equalizer. And that's absolutely true. Especially when you've played at a very high level, you start to feel it. You just know it's not the way that it used to be, but, yeah, the competitive nature is there. I will say, having played with pro players, they are on another level. So there's competitive, and then there's those folks [laughter]. And you can see it when they're playing on TV. Actually, this last weekend was the end of the French Open, right? So I'm huge Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer fan. I love the rivalry. I mean, it's like bloodsport out there with these guys on the tennis court. It's unbelievable to watch. It's very serious to them. And I was never quite that serious about it. I think it's part of that positive attitude, is like, "I might have lost today. Some things I could have done different, but I feel pretty good about myself." They probably go home, and they're just mad, like don't want to talk to anybody. But that's-- 

MADDIE: 11:25 

True. That's a good point. 

NATHAN: 11:27 

I do take some of that with me in the competitive mindset to - what I was talking about - learning something new, to not trust or rely on what I knew before and really push myself in those moments. And 


that's been helpful. That's got me where I am. 

MADDIE: 11:43 

Yeah. So earlier you mentioned that you have-- you say Nathan Patrick Taylor, the man with three names. What's the story behind that? 

NATHAN: 11:49 

Yeah. So the weird thing was-- I have to make it super short? But-- 

MADDIE: 11:52 

Yeah, yeah. 

NATHAN: 11:53 

--there are three Nathan Taylors in the town I live in. And I went to go vote. It was 2008 election, I guess. And I got my ballot. I'm about to mark it up. My wife's behind me. And they can't find her ballot. And so we spend like 50 minutes trying to find her ballot. And this election judge comes out from the back. And the guy's probably been - he's in his 80s - doing this for years. And he comes out. And he goes, "You're in the wrong place over here [laughter]." And so I said, "Okay. But I'm Nathan Taylor." And he goes, "You're not Nathan Allen Taylor." And so I was like, "Oh, okay. Yeah." And this polling place was right next to my house. I just assumed it was the one that I'm supposed to go to. It was in another part of town. And I got there, showed them my ID. And the lady said, "There's you and another Nathan Taylor here as well." So there's three of us evidently. And one of them is my age. So, yeah, it's just-- there's no other reason why I do it other than that I would love to be the only Nathan Taylor, but. 

MADDIE: 12:57 

I mean, it does kind of roll off the tongue though, Nathan Patrick Taylor. 

NATHAN: 13:00 

I have to give credit to my dad. [My?] pops knew how to name, so. 

MADDIE: 13:03 

He definitely, probably gave some thought behind it. Yeah [laughter]. 

NATHAN: 13:05 

Yeah. So I keep it. Most people just call me NPT, or they'll do Nate Dogg if they're still into that. 

MADDIE: 13:13 

Nate Dogg, I love it. Some people call me mad dog too, so [laughter]. 

NATHAN: 13:16 

Oh, there you go. I love it. 

MADDIE: 13:16 

I can relate to that. 

NATHAN: 13:17 

Okay. I love it. I love it. 

MADDIE: 13:18 

Awesome. Well, Nathan, thank you so much for joining me. 

NATHAN: 13:21 

My pleasure. 

MADDIE: 13:21 

This was a pleasure. 

NATHAN: 13:22 

Awesome. You got it. [music] 

MADDIE: 13:27 

[music] All right. I'm here with Korri. Korri, welcome to the show. 

KORRI: 13:30 

Thank you so much. Glad to be here. 

MADDIE: 13:32 

So why don't you tell people who you are, where you're from? 

KORRI: 13:35 

Yeah. Definitely. My name is Korri Jones. If you try to Google that with the C-O-R-Y, that won't work [laughter]. It's K-O-R-R-I. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. And I currently work with Chick-fil-A Corporate, but I do a lot of nonprofit work with the Urban League of Greater Atlanta. So I've been in the analytic space for about six and a half years. And I just love it. 

MADDIE: 13:56 

That's great. That's great. Tell me more about the Urban League. 

KORRI: 14:00 

So, yeah, Urban League is a nonprofit civil rights organization. It's been over 100 years now that I think about that. And one of their purposes originally was to kind of work with African Americans to help them reach certain equity levels, [inaudible] housing, just kind of like general education. [inaudible] that people need to be empowered, the Urban League has done that. And so it's evolved over the years. And it's become more of worry about that urban population, certain places might be Latino, other places might be Caucasian. And so it's really gotten very broad, but it's just a wonderful organization. I actually met my wife through the Urban League, so. 

MADDIE: 14:35 


KORRI: 14:35 


MADDIE: 14:36 

That's amazing. That's amazing. So what are you and your wife do specifically with them? 

KORRI: 14:40 

So I actually lead our IT, Innovation and Technology Chair for the Greater Urban League Young Professionals. So I've been doing that for the last year. And I just got elected unanimously for the next year, so really excited about that. 

MADDIE: 14:54 

Love it. 

KORRI: 14:54 

And my wife actually works in the communication space. So she's actually helping us out with our annual report and just how do we tell our story well on the local level. 

MADDIE: 15:04 

That's so important to be able to tell the story. So is it a chapter? 

KORRI: 15:09 


MADDIE: 15:09 

Okay. Got it. Yeah. Yeah, telling the story is super crucial. And a lot of people have brought that up too of communication and how you need to be able to communicate, not only the data, but just the story behind it and be able to convince other people to believe it, and here's the data to back it up. So, I mean, it sounds like you both are very much pros at that. 

KORRI: 15:37 

Definitely. And I love how you're talking about data right now because that's been one of the things that I've really been focused on with the Urban League, is to how do we centralize a lot of our data as organizations start to think about on a corporate side and how do we unlock it in a way that makes sense so we can tell a better story. So it's been a lot of education. And I've been in the process of actually building out a CRM platform to kind of hold all of that data. And it's going to be usable by people that have no idea, anything, how to work with data or technology. But we wanted to be as easy as possible. So that's one of my personal challenges to my team this year, to finish that project so that, when I roll off next year, we are able to rock and roll. 

MADDIE: 16:17 

What is the current state of data and analytics understanding at nonprofit organizations? Because I feel like it's probably hard to say for all of them because everyone's at a different level, but for an organization like the Urban League that's been around for over 100 years and has chapters all over the country with people like you at the helm, I would imagine that there's a good understanding and that there's a bunch of steps that you're taking to continue to improve. 

KORRI: 16:53 

Yeah, definitely. That's a great question. I'd say that there's a lot of understanding of data. And it's more about the impact it has because, again, as a nonprofit, I mean, you're looking for donors. You're looking for people to give money to kind of help move the cost forward. And so in order to make that a compelling story, you have to have certain metrics and data. And so that is there. But when you think about it upstream, "How do I gather that data? Am I looking through manual documents that people have written and starting to transcribe this into an Excel or Google spreadsheet? Am I calling people to make sure?" And so it's really that gathering of a lot of that data and putting it in a place where it can be consumed. I mean, for a company, you just go ahead and say, "All right. We'll put $45,000 or so odd, spin up a Redshift or whatever type of cluster and just push data there." But for a nonprofit, that's a completely different beast because I need the IT resources, people to manage and think about that. I need folks to ensure that it has continuity, and then funding sometimes may or may not happen. And so it's an interesting place to be in. And to be honest, I think it's a great place to be in from my perspective because, on the corporate side, I learn. I do a lot on that bigger scale, but our budget is completely different. But then they go to a nonprofit where the budget is another level. But when you bring those two thought processes together, you can do some magic, so. 

MADDIE: 18:10 

Amazing, very well said. Talk about conveying a story. I feel very encapsulated in what you're saying. This is great. Speaking of the way that you're able to tell a story and communicate, that's a very leadership quality to me. And you strike me as somebody who's a leader and a natural leader at that. What's some of the best advice that you've ever received? Or maybe there's a career experience that kind of catapulted you into where you are now? 

KORRI: 18:44 

There's a couple, but one of the biggest ones I'm going to say - and hopefully this will resonate with a lot of people - is that there is no I. It is We. My CFO of my last organization-- she pulled me to the side and just was really like, "Keep this in mind. Hold this true and it would change your career." And so I just continued to resonate on that. So whenever I feel like is I, I, I, I'm doing this, that means that I've already thought about it wrong because wherever we are as an organization, even as an individual-- let's just be honest. Nobody is where they are in their career or even in life because of just their own merits. Somebody in some form or fashion [had that?] poured into you. Somebody gave you something, gave you advice, pretty much cut into you if you did something wrong. And because of those experiences and that community, that We, you are who you are today. And so that's just something that resonated with me. And I just think everybody should just hold true. Yeah. 

MADDIE: 19:41 

So in addition to the supervisor that mentioned that to you in the first place, can you give an example of a time where you switched your thinking in order to think in that We culture mindset and maybe some benefit that you saw immediately because of it? 

KORRI: 20:01 

Yeah. We'll go to a tragic life event. Let's go there. 

MADDIE: 20:05 

Let's go deep. 

KORRI: 20:06 

Let's go deep. Let's dig in [laughter]. A couple of years back, actually, I was working in-- I was in grad school at the time. And before that - I'm a first generation college student - I went in and did my thing. It was like I was crushing this. I was doing Student Government Association, like [inaudible]. Everybody else was struggling. I can do this. And so my grades were really good. I was crushing it, and then I went to grad school. I mean, from bachelor's to PhD, I mean, there was no in-between for my ride. And I got a full ride on my PhD. And so I get in. I'm rocking it. And, to be honest, I was arrogant. I was arrogant. It was like, "I can do this. I can do it alone. I don't need anybody." And my health had been tanked. It was just something that I had no control over. To give you a good example. So for those of you all who are listening, if you were to get up where you are now, sitting down and walk to the door, I couldn't do that. My body had just started to break down. And it was then that that ego and that arrogance started to kind of break down. It was like, "I can't. I can't do what I thought." And doctors didn't know what was going on. And I realized that there were so many people that crowded around me to help me out. And it was really there where it hit me. It was like, "I was never alone. I wasn't doing this on my own. This was We. This was the community around me helping me out." When I couldn't do things, people would come bring me stuff. When I needed to recover, they would say, "No, you don't get up. I got you." And folks that weren't even a part of my family. I just want to be blunt there. It wasn't family. It was people that were around me. And that's when that thinking started to change. 

KORRI: 21:49 

I [who?] was broken in ways, and because of being broken, I was able to come back together and have this thought process of, "It is We. It is team." And so what that did to my thinking was, not just that moving from I to We, but also how I interact with others. So I have people reach out to me on LinkedIn and others who reach out and say, "Hey Korri, I want to pick your brain on something." And to be honest, I could say, "Well, you just have to get in line, and I'll find some time in six months." But it's like you took the time to ask me, "Can we chat?" Or I've had conversations with Young Professionals-- I'm still a Young Professional. But with students and others who just want to talk, and I'll spend two hours talking to them. They'll ask me about company culture, pain points, and they'll be like, "Thank you so much. I just appreciate your time." And my response is like, "Somebody did this for me. So I'm going to do it for you. Pass this on. It is We. There's a community." And so that's just an example of life taught me lessons, I had somebody to reaffirm that, and then, finally, I just continue to give back, so. 

MADDIE: 22:55 

Amazing. That's an incredible story. And thank you so much for sharing that with the audience because I'm sure that a lot of people can relate to that. And I think too, there's something to be said about-- you were saying you went from undergrad to PhD and you're just crushing it, involved in all these programs, being very, very involved. And I think that there's something to be said about being proud of that and wanting what's best for your career. And, I mean, this is something that I struggle with too, is that I'm proud of where I am and how hard I've worked, but - what you're saying about sending the elevator back down, bringing people back up and really giving back - I think that you can have it both ways. You can be proud of what you've done but also really help maintain that We culture and not always just think about yourself. I think that's really good advice. 

KORRI: 23:56 

Yeah. No, thank you. So, yeah, it's just been a great journey. And I had one other interesting pieces that, going from that bachelor's to PhD-- and I wasn't able to finish because of health reasons. And when you think about that, at the time, it was so hard to say, "I gave up." But when I looked back, it was like, "I really stepped up. I stepped up to focus on the right thing and realign. And I'm blessed to be where I'm at today. And I'm just so grateful for the experience." So, yeah. 

MADDIE: 24:27 

So at Chick-fil-A, the analytics culture-- what is that like? Because I've seen a bunch of people here today from Chick-fil-A. So I assume that the analytics is huge for you guys. 

KORRI: 24:40 

Yeah. Yeah. I'll first put a pin on the Chick-fil-A culture. And I'm going to talk about how that ties into our analyst culture. We are a culture of giving. What I mean by that is that everybody at the company - we call it the support center - it's just so good, so gracious, so kind. They'll say, "Hey, how are you doing?" but mean it, other than when people say, "How are you doing?" and you really answer that and it's like, "I really just wanted you to say okay and keep it moving." But the company is really about, "How can we help you out? How can we be along this journey of life together?" That is big, where it's not us and them. And so, from an analytics culture, when you put that company culture and you [inaudible] that-- so analytics is-- we really look at it. We just steal all of the complex and everything. It goes back to telling a story. What story can we unlock from our data? How do we tell this story? And so with that positive culture and then that analytics and just bringing those two together, that's where the magic is made. 

KORRI: 25:46 

So we have a very vibrant analytics culture. We have a community of practitioner analysts. We call it Copa. So if anybody knows about the Copacabana song, you can play that later [laughter]. You have fun. But we make sure that analysts in the business are able to rock and roll. So our job is to make life as easy as possible. If you want to use Python, have fun with it. We have people that are experts. Hey, you're using Alteryx for certain things but, hey, you want to also connect that to Tableau? Great. We'll walk you through that. We have that. And so we're really, really big on equipping and empowering our analysts to run. And then even people that are not even analysts-- I had an email actually earlier this week in a conference like, "Oh, man. Great." [So just?] one of our senior leaders was like, "I just love all this stuff about data and analytics. How do I get involved?" And just that where you're pretty high up on the totem pole, you want to come and say, "I want to get into the weeds because I see the value of this for our business and I don't want our analysts to just have all the fun." That's kind of our culture. So, yeah. 

MADDIE: 26:55 

I love that everybody is so intertwined. That's amazing. And I see a lot of similarities between that and Alteryx and, especially, on the community team that I'm on. I mean, we are the community team. This is what we do. We empower our users. We set up this online community for people to connect. So that's really important for our team culture as well, is to make sure that we're all supporting each other. We have a User Groups team that's part of our community team. But whenever there's a local User Group in our area, we always try and attend and support. So it's kind of similar things. We're just passionate about our users and just passionate about our team. Sounds exactly like what you're talking about too. So that's wonderful. I think a lot of it too is just that analytics is so exciting and there's so much to learn. And I, personally, get very excited when I see a user or something click for them, not even when it comes to analytics, but, I mean, even just-- they see that we have a podcast, for example, and then they're like, "Oh, cool. I can listen. I can keep thinking about analytics on my drive home." So I think that's wonderful. 

KORRI: 28:08 

Yeah, that is. It's awesome. I mean, the entire analytics community is so vibrant across all platforms, all areas, and just analytics in general. I mean, it's a beautiful thing. And it's a great time to be in the space. 

MADDIE: 28:20 

Yeah. So before you go, one other question I wanted to ask you. How can people get involved with Urban League? 

KORRI: 28:28 

Definitely. There are multiple Urban League chapters across the nation. And so one of the best things you can do is, if you're in Cleveland or in Ohio, if you go Google and say the Ohio Urban League, you'll find different chapters. And so there are different levels. There is the Young Professional. So if you feel like you're in that range, under 40-ish range is you want to kind of interact with other professionals, normally, there's a chapter for that. And it's affiliated with that affiliate Urban League chapter. And so then there's another one who's like, "Hey, I'm not a Young Professional. I'm 50-ish, 60-ish, but I really want to be engaged." We have something that we call the guild, which is for that higher-aged individual. And you can also be engaged there. But then you can also just engage with affiliate. 

KORRI: 29:13 

So we're all over, in different areas. Feel free just to shoot an email to them. And if you say, "Hey, look. I have a [services?]. I can help you with career development," or something like that-- so the Urban League services are free for those that need them. And you can just reach out and say, "Hey, I want to do this for the community. I want to be engaged with this." And so that's really big. So we do just-- one other big push out here for this is there's a lot of educational opportunities for young people, for those that are-- it's kind of weird. I had a conversation with somebody a while back, but it was-- we spend a lot of time on youth, which is wonderful, but what about the youth that were forgotten about 20 years ago who are now in their 40s, who are now in their 50s, who need somebody, just that little push? We also work with them. And so if you find that those are segments that you really want to be engaged with, reach out. Reach out to the local chapter in your [inaudible]. If there's one does not even local, there may be an opportunity for one to be spun up in that area. So just wanted to put that out there. So great one. If you ever have any questions, feel free. You can find me. I will always more than happy to share. 

MADDIE: 30:21 

Thank you so much for your time and your amazing stories. I loved listening to you and having you as a guest. 

KORRI: 30:26 

No, thank you so much for the opportunity. It was just such a pleasure. Take care. [music] 

MADDIE: 30:43 

[music] Thanks for tuning in to Alter Everything. To share your thoughts and ideas for future episodes, join us at or reach us on Twitter using the hashtag altereverythingpodcast. Have a unique story to tell? Send us an email at Catch you next time. [music] 

This episode of Alter Everything was produced by Maddie Johannsen (@MaddieJ).