Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

Share your Alteryx Analytics Cloud product ideas, including Designer Cloud, Intelligence Suite and more - we're listening!

As of now the once a user deletes the flow, the flow will not be visible to anyone, except in the database. But the flow is soft deleted in the database. So can enable the option for admins to see all the deleted flows and recover those flows if required, so that in case some one deletes the flow by mistake then admins can retrieve it by recover option. This has to be an option by check box, where they can recover those flows all at once if it is a folder. This option can also be given to folder recovery where they can recover all the flows in the folder.

Currently there is support for parameterizing variables in custom SQL dataset in Dataprep. However it requires that the tables using this feature have the same table structure. This request is to allow this same functionality but with tables that have different table structures.


Table A


name | height | weight

Table B


name| isFriendly

Would like to use a query where we have 1 custom SQL dataset where we just say

SELECT * FROM dev.animals.[typeOfAnimal]

typeOfAnimal being the parameterized variable with a default of dogs.

If a flow is shared between multiple editors and someone make changes in it, there should be a way we can see all the changes made to that flow by different users, like creating a trigger that will notify the users about the changes made in the flow by someone as soon as the recipe changes or if we can extract the information about the flow or the job. I have attached the snippet of data that can be useful to us.

We at Grupo Boticário, who currently have 13k Dataprep licenses and close to the official launch internally, have noticed a recurring request for a translation of the tool. Bearing in mind that it will be an enabler for more users to use in their day-to-day work, I would like to formalize and reinforce the importance of our request for translation into Brazilian Portuguese as well as a forecast of this improvement.

We need the ability the create folders underneath the plans. We can create folders underneath flows, but not underneath plans. Additionally, having the ability to create sub folders inside of these parent flow and plan folders is needed. Hard to organize flows and plans without the ability to put them in categories (folders) and subcategories (sub folders) when you approach hundreds of plans and flows.

 Case: 00027615 - created the case for our issue but came to know that functionality is not present

We had OAuth login issue when trying to set up with SNOWFLAKE as we use OKTA as our IDP for SNOWFLAKE.

We want our users to create their own SNOWFLAKE connector using their personal credentials through IDP which will enforce their role in SNOWFLAKE so they can see only the schema's which they are allowed to see.

We can not create generic connector because it will provide more data access then user needed and involve PII too so we want to utilize their snowflake functional roles to restrict it.

Its a really good use case for anyone using snowflake with IDP and have the RBAC set up with SNOWFLAKE.

Please add features to your current "Folder" feature by allowing us to share them with other users, move a flow that has been "shared" with us from the root folder to a sub-folder, etc.

Someone has already submitted an idea for multiple levels of sub-folders which was another request that we had. Thanks.

At the moment the only edit history visible to Trifacta users is within each recipe. Some actions are done within flows rather than recipes, e.g. recipe creation/deletion/taking union/etc. Such actions are not covered within the edit history, but for compliance purposes/troubleshooting it is important for users to know when these actions were taken/who by. Please would it be possible to add the functionality to Trifacta to have an edit history on flows as well as within recipes?

Users onboarded to Trifacta cannot be deleted from the GUI, only using API. In the GUI users can only be disabled but they still count toward the licensed users. Please allow users to be deleted from the GUI.

We would like to be able to split users into different user groups within the same workspace. Permissions to view and edit outputs, job runs and flows (including for administrators) would be allocated on a user group level (e.g. so one user group can edit flows, the associated job runs and outputs while other groups can only view them). Administrators would be allocated to a particular user group and their admin rights would apply to their own group only.

Parquet has been more performant than publishing to csv and love to have this feature implemented

Currently you have one top level folder. In order to keep flows and other objects organized it would be nice to create folders within folders. For example create a top folder called "Sales Data" and a subfolder called "Sales Pipeline Data".

Allow for more then 1 job to be deleted at a time.

My use case is that by looking at the target table data, i need to have a column which will indicate which flow has loaded data into that target table. this will be useful for bug fix and tracing back data issues to a flow.

Rgt now we are hardcoding this value as a new column in the recipe step, but if some developer changes the flow name he/she has to manually change the recipe step to reflect the flow name, instead if we can have a dynamic flow name like we have $Filepath for filepath on similar fashion it will be useful.

A client is organizationally structured where GCP project administration is separated from tool (Dataprep) administration. Currently, usage charts are only visible in the admin console which is only accessible by project admins. We would like an additional IAM role or an ability to see usage charts without the ability to make project changes.

Have an option when scheduling jobs and if they fail to restart after X minutes. Most of the time when I have a job failure and rerun, it completes fine.

Allow functionality in app for customizing support page, users to be able to contact our team when there is an issue with the application, page to show our email address, not Trifacta support email address

Users to be able to create multiple connections to data lake. Currently user needs to add new data lake path and browse it in order to import data

We need a custom viewer role so that user is able only to use connections shared to him, but not re-share those connections to others. In our case, admin will set up the connections for users and they will just use them. Users should not be able to create or share connections. This will improve the connection security and access to data.

When migrating flows from one environment to another, currently one must click on each flow to export it, and then import it into another environment. It would be great to do so in bulk by ticking a bunch of flows to export. Or do it by exporting an entire folder. Or do it by exporting a plan.