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Women of Analytics

Dallas Women of Analytics Group

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, everyone!  I am starting a Women of Analytics Subgroup in our Dallas Alteryx User Group, thanks to Charity's inspiration for having quarterly meetings and webinars.  I reached out to Julie and she mentioned this would be permissible - and encouraged!


I have asked Charity to be on the leadership team for this subgroup, and she has accepted!  :)  I have a few others in mind to ask to join the leadership team, and will post them as they are added.  Our bimonthly Dallas Alteryx User Group meeting is this Thursday, so we will be happy to announce the new subgroup and have members join.


Please consider starting your own Women of Analytics subgroup in your local Alteryx User Groups; this would be an outstanding way to reach so many and provide resources and recognitions!


Thank you, @JulieH and @Charity_K_Wilson!




(Adding @TuvyL and Lauren Uyeno, Alteryx User Groups)

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

This is really great! Please share your experiences - will be an inspiration for other locations to have something similar.
I am from India and would really love to hear how it goes in Dallas. All the best!

Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | Sydney SparkED Contributor
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, everyone!  It is official; the DFW Women of Analytics group has been started, and I would like to announce our Leadership Team members:


Charity Wilson, Senior Consultant, Saxony Partners  @Charity_K_Wilson

Kristin Scholer, Insight Director, Ansira  @kscholer

Ashwina Kirpalani, Senior Director of Analytics, The Commit Partnership  @Commit

Marie Appel, Manager, Strategy and Analytics, The Commit Partnership  @Commit

Deanna Sanchez, Senior Consultant, Teknion Data Solutions  @Deanna


We are very excited to start this organization in the Dallas/Fort Worth TX area, and together we have formed our mission statement:


The DFW Women of Analytics learning community connects and supports members by providing a friendly space to discuss and learn about emerging and new technologies, to share professional development resources and motivate each other, and to provide intentional networking opportunities. We come together to celebrate Women of Analytics and to inspire next generations to press forward gender parity, diversity, and inclusivity in the world of analytics and beyond!



In addition, we are hosting our first DFW Women of Analytics meeting next week; please see the Eventbrite for details (please also note that seating is limited, so we ask that anyone in the Dallas/Fort Worth area interested in attending please RSVP using the Eventbrite).


Thank you to Julie and the Alteryx Community for creating the Alteryx Women of Analytics User Group, and for inspiring us to form a similar group in Dallas/Fort Worth!  As with the Alteryx Women of Analytics User Group on this Community, the DFW Women of Analytics Group is open not only to women, but to all who support women of analytics.


We look forward to sending you photos and updates about our quarterly meetings!  Please let us know if you have any questions; thank you again, and we hope to see you at the Alteryx Inspire 2018 Conference!




6 - Meteoroid



I'm really looking forward to this group, but unfortunately won't be able to drive to Dallas this time.


Any chance there will be a webinar for this meeting or others in the future?


I don't think this will be an issue each time for me, but this time it is and if there's any way to join online I'd love the chance.


Thanks for any information!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Deanna, I have been a bit buried in Inspire planning to have a chance to check back as often as I would have liked, but I am so thrilled to hear you've taken action so quickly in Dallas.  Congrats to you, @kscholer @Charity_K_Wilson and your other leaders for pressing forward and forming your own local group!


I hope you'll report back with the outcome of your first official meeting - I can't wait to hear how it went and to see pictures. We've been getting more and more requests for online events and how to successfully support the movement locally, which is something we'll be able to really focus on after Inspire. I would love to engage you and the Dallas WoA to share your experience and what you've learned.


In the meantime, I very much look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks at Inspire where we can discuss further! 



10 - Fireball



We had a nice turn out.  I presented a  Sherlock Mystery, using Alteryx to solve the problem.  If you notice, I managed to insert Sherlock pictures into my workflow, something that drew some excited questions!  I used a regression equation to uncover some relationships that were not initially evident.


We talked a lot about where we want to go as a group.  What I heard is that we'll continue to have analytics demos, and we'll focus on how to grow our careers.  Mentoring, business lunches, creating resources for each other, those are all things we'd like to do.  We'd like to create a vibrant community that will provide support to fellow women who are wanting to grow their careers. 


On that note, I'd love to do lunch, dinner, breakfast with anyone on this thread!  I'll be at Inspire.   Reach out to me.  Anyone here in Dallas, I'd happily make time for you.  



Presenting the Sherlock Mystery to Women in Analytics.jpgWome in Analytics.jpg

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, @JulieH!  Thank you, and I can understand how busy things must be in planning for Alteryx Inspire!  We had a very good first meeting of the DFW Women of Analytics, with about 12 attending our kickoff get-together!   I actually had a severe case of laryngitis, so Marie from @Commit did an awesome job hosting and moderating; we started with introductions, then @Charity_K_Wilson was excellent in presenting her cool Sherlock Mystery, complete with photos of Sherlock in the workflow (using the Comment tool)!  I think everyone was very impressed with her work using a linear regression and Stepwise tool and her interesting findings as well!


@kscholer was a big help in facilitating conversation and organizing; after Charity's presentation, we followed with a roundtable discussion with the new members about the focus of the group, topics for future presentations, resources for women in analytics, and timing.  We decided to have quarterly meetings that include formal presentations and guest speakers, along with monthly networking events, such as happy hours.  We also discussed the option of having a WebEx available during our quarterly meetings, to allow those who aren't able to attend in person to join the meeting as well, and will incorporate this into our August meeting.  (This is similar to what I do during the Alteryx For Good meetings at Commit; we turn on a WebEx so others can join and collaborate while we work together onsite. :) )


I will post photos and send additional details later today; we would be very happy to discuss with you and others how we are establishing the group, and to share all that we learn!  I look forward to seeing you again at Inspire in a couple of weeks also!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Thanks, @Charity_K_Wilson!  I must have posted right after you!  :)  Thanks for the photos as well!  It was great to meet the new members, and we look forward to the next event.  As mentioned, I will post more information about the DFW Women of Analytics later today (have to run to a few meetings).


I will be at the User Group lounge often at Inspire, so please reach out to me there or message me here on the Community if any of you would like to meet in California!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, @JulieH!  Here is some additional information regarding our initial DFW Women of Analytics meeting; for the roundtable discussion, I had prepared the attached list of topics.  This list was based on an initial framework I had outlined, and follow up discussion and collaboration the leadership team had a few weeks before, to determine presentation topics and guidance for the focus of the group.  (I will also add a copy of the list below.)


As mentioned, through our roundtable discussion at the meeting, we decided on having quarterly formal meetings, with happy hours/networking events monthly.  The networking events won't have a presentation; however, we would like to host various types of networking, such as "speed networking", where the attendee spends only 5 minutes at a time talking to other attendees, then rotates to another person (be sure to bring lots of business cards!).  We also would like to host specialized networking opportunities, for those in healthcare, non-profit, retail, etc.


We also discussed resource management; there are numerous resources for Women of Analytics available online, in print, through local events, etc., and we would like to make these resources readily available to our members.  We decided that initially, we will post the links to resources and events through our social media channels, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.  An option that was also discussed is to compile the resources into a PDF that can be distributed to members monthly or quarterly.


Our social media channels have also been established!  Thanks to Ashwina @Commit for setting up the Facebook page:


And I have set up our LinkedIn page (we are already gaining members simply by the page being posted!)


As mentioned, the DFW Women of Analytics Group is open not only to women, but to all who support women of analytics.  We welcome all who attend!


Here is a list of our discussion topics during the meeting; a PDF is also attached:


Discussion Topics for DFW Women of Analytics Meeting

May 16, 2018


  • Women of Analytics (subgroup of Dallas Alteryx User Group) member meeting schedule
    • Quarterly Meetings
    • Meeting formats:
      • Lunch meetings with presentations
      • Morning/afternoon meetings
      • Dinner meetings with presentations
      • Webinars
      • Other
  • Webinars and Presentations
    • Content and Topics:
      • Career advancement for women in analytics
      • Women and Math/Science
      • How to present data effectively
      • Predictive Analytics/Machine Learning/AI
      • Panel discussion with area Women of Analytics leaders
      • Resume' creation and best practices
      • Effective networking
      • Mentoring program
      • Resources for women in analytics
        • Alteryx Academy
        • Alteryx Women of Analytics Community Page
        • E-Learning opportunities
        • Career Goal Coaching events (includes those hosted by other speakers/groups in the Dallas area)
        • Financial Management events in the Dallas area
        • University Events
        • Harvard Business Review articles
        • Additional resources
      • Other topics
  • Networking Events
    • Regular networking with meetings
    • Speed networking events
    • Smaller networking focus groups (i.e., healthcare)
  • Resource Management
    • One source for Resources listed above; for example, Dropbox/Facebook/LinkedIn locations open for all members to post information, links and resources for women in analytics.  The resources could include:
        • E-Learning opportunities such as Alteryx Academy
        • Career Goal Coaching events/Eventbrite (includes those hosted by other speakers/groups)
        • University Events
        • Recommended books/blogs/posts
        • Posts on Alteryx Community Women of Analytics Page
        • Podcasts
        • Other
    • All resource information could be combined into one document that can be shared with members on a monthly basis
  • Web Content/Social Media
    • Facebook Page
    • Posts on Dallas Alteryx User Group Community Page
    • LinkedIn Group Page
    • Blog/Vlog/Posts


Community members, please feel free to reach out to me and our leadership team of @Charity_K_Wilson@kscholer, and Marie and Ashwina @Commit if you have any questions, or would like insight on starting your own local Women of Analytics group!  We are very glad to help, and hope to see many of you at Alteryx Inspire in a couple of weeks!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Alteryx Women of Analytics Members!  We are hosting our next quarterly Dallas/Fort Worth Women of Analytics Meeting tomorrow, September 5th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Dallas.  We are also hosting this meeting by WebEx, so that those who cannot attend in person can join us virtually from around the World!  The WebEx information is:


DFW Women of Analytics Quarterly Meeting 
Wed, Sep 5, 2018 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT 
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 
You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 
Access Code: 193-426-629 

First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check: 



This meeting's topic is "Visualization Software" and will feature presentations on the following softwares widely used for data visualization:



Microsoft Power BI



If you have ever wondered how each of these programs work and what their cool visualization output looks like, join us as we explore each software.  Three presenters will provide their insight into loading data and creating compelling visual stories!  We will also discuss how Alteryx can perform the data prep and analytic "heavy lifting" on the back end, streamlining the data before visualizing in the softwares above, as well as mention the new Interactive Chart Tool and Insight Tool just released in Alteryx version 2018.3.


Our second topic will be a roundtable discussion on Mentorship, and the launch of this program for our DFW Women of Analytics group.  We would like to hear from our members, discovering what you would like to have in a mentoring program:  This would include resources, meeting schedules, mentor/mentee weekly updates, etc.


The meeting will be generously hosted by Saxony Partners Management and Digital Consulting ( ) at the following location:


Saxony Partners

13355 Noel Road

Galleria Tower 1

Dallas, TX  75240


(Light snacks and refreshments will be served.)


If you plan to attend in person, please use this Eventbrite invitation link to reserve your spot: .


Please join us as we celebrate Women of Analytics and promote gender parity, diversity, and inclusivity in the world of analytics and beyond!  As with the Alteryx Women of Analytics User Group in this Community, the DFW Women of Analytics Group is open not only to women, but to all who support women of analytics.


Thank you to Saxony Partners for hosting the meeting!  Please feel free to invite your friends and coworkers to the meeting, be sure to bring your business cards for networking, and we look forward to seeing you there (or on the WebEx)!


@Deanna and the DFW Women of Analytics Leadership Team

