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Alteryx designer core certificate not received.

7 - Meteor

I have given the alteryx core designer certification exam on 10th june and passed the exam with 85.5% but still didn’t receive my certificate. Its more than 48hours now and i haven’t got the certificate. Sent an email to and still didn’t get any reply from them. What should I do now?

7 - Meteor

Are you sure you have the dates right? The 10th of June was yesterday (less than 24 hours)

7 - Meteor

I’ve given the exam at 1am on 10th june.and today is 12th june 2am. So its more than 48hrs.


7 - Meteor

Aahhh, time zones! (It's 4pm on June 11 here) Ok. Hopefully an admin will see and will be able to assist.

CONGRATS on completing the exam by the way!

7 - Meteor

Ok.thank you


12 - Quasar

Hey @Arindita369 - the Community actually uses Alteryx workflows to issue out the badges so depending on how frequently the specific workflow is run, it can take a little bit of time for the badge to arrive.  That being said, if for any reason it doesn't come through soon then one of the Community team will help you out.



7 - Meteor

Thanks for replying shifty, I have received the badge but haven’t received the pdf certificate. Its been 3days.I want you to look into the issue ASAP.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

HI @Arindita369 , 


It is very possible that your email routed to a member of our certification team on the East Coast and they had already left for the day. 


Regardless, we'll bring this post to their attention so they can look into it.  Everyone will be out until Monday so there will be a bit more of a delay, but I'm certain they will resolve the issue for you.


Congratulations on passing the exam!




7 - Meteor

Thanks, but i’ve not received the certificate long will it take?

6 - Meteoroid

Hello, in the instructions from Alteryx Certification Exam Results, explains that you must register in Credly, create an account in that platform and you can download the PDF from there or digital badge.