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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAHere's my solution. Since the data aren't available via the URL in the challenge post, I used the Wayback Machine to download the text file from December 2016. It seems like it isn't the same file as the one the solution uses (mine has more years and hence more rows in the final output).
The mentioned URL doesn't work for me as for many users. I've tried both options suggested (compaes.xlsx and Wayback Machine). Please find my solutions below:
Attaching my solution for Challenge 45. As previously mentioned the URL link is not working. However, this one worked for me - http://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/compaes.xlsx.
Like others before me I also had trouble with the URL and used the compaes.xlsx file that another user had posted to solve this.
Please find both my workflow and compaes.xlsx file attached.
I think the file to be downloaded is now here: