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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAIt's also fun to use @jdunkerley79 's alteryx abacus variable functions. You can do so much more in the formula tool.
This was a fun one, and highlights a rarely used (at least by me) function of reversing strings.
No macro needed:
I was able to parse the palindromes with a simple formula, after that filtering to get the data was a breeze!
The formula I used to detect palindromes is:
IF ((ReverseString(Right([Words], (length([Words]) - Mod(length([Words]), 2)/2)))) = (Left([Words], (length([Words]) - Mod(length([Words]), 2)/2)))) THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF
This formula takes the last half of the word (excluding one character for odd length words), flips it, and compares it to the first half of the word (excluding one character for odd length words). Awesome to see Modulo is available in the formula operation, super useful for dynamic formulas like this!