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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAStruggled with this one (more info in Spoiler).
I asked my go to optimisation guy @PhilipMannering to help, but he couldn't solve my issue. I've kept the original way I had the tool set up so if anyone with more nous than I can have a look and tell me what I was doing wrong I'd be a very happy Ollie 🙂
Input some objective to maximise; input some cost matrix; input some constraints; receive an error; debug using sample workflows; ...; success!
Interesting challenge! Thanks
I think I've worked out the issue I was having. The cross-tab puts the headers in alphabetical order, which the flowers aren't, so they didn't line up properly in the Optimisation tool. Sorting alphabetically by flower name fixed my issue 🙂 (cc: @PhilipMannering)
Seems to be impossible for me to remember how to use optimization tool since it always feels like I have never seen it before when I need it.. Maybe the next time will be easier (most likely not)
Here's my solution
@johnemery thank you for the video that helped me a lot to understand these tool beside the tool mastery.