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Richmond, VA

Welcome to the Richmond User Group

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Recap - Q1 2020 Richmond User Group

8 - Asteroid

Good Day Richmond Alteryx User Group Members!


We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q1 2020 Richmond User Group meeting Feb 4th!


Additional thanks to our talented speaker, Justin Coleman from Southern States Cooperative.




Justin Coleman, Southern States Cooperative, walked us through how they utilize Alteryx Server.


The group made some suggestions on future topics including sessions on best practices, reporting, regex, geospatial, and In-Database tools.




Following the speaker, a few Alteryx announcements were made:


  • Reminder to utilize the Richmond User Group page to post questions, suggestions, job opportunities etc.
  • For those Alteryx geeks who love to experiment, Alteryx has a BETA program where you can apply to test out the latest features and provide feedback!
  • Recently, Alteryx started an analytics podcast called Alter.Everything. All episodes are available on Community and on SoundCloud.




Follow Up


The Richmond User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests, you, please let us know.


Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward to most from this user group. Take a few moments to fill out our survey:



Richmond Alteryx User Group leaders