Practice Exercise

Learning Path 1: Exercise 3: General

5 - Atom

Open Alteryx Designer:


Launch Alteryx Designer on your computer.

Load the Workflow File:


Go to File > Open Workflow... and select the Practice Exercise 4.yxmd file from your local directory.

Review the Workflow:


Inspect the nodes and tools used in the workflow. Each node represents a different tool or process, such as Input Data, Join, Filter, Summarize, etc.

Load Associated Data Files:


Identify any data inputs required by the workflow. These might be .yxdb or other database files linked within the workflow.

Ensure these data files are available in the specified locations or update the paths to point to the correct files on your system.

Analyze the Workflow Steps:


Break down the workflow into individual steps. Understand what each tool does, such as data transformation, filtering, joining, or summarizing.

Modify and Execute:


Make any necessary modifications to the workflow, such as updating file paths or adjusting tool configurations.

Run the workflow by clicking the Run button. Monitor the progress and ensure it completes without errors.

Validate the Results:


Use the Browse tool to inspect the output data.

Compare the results with any expected outcomes or a provided final state to ensure the workflow produces the correct results.

6 - Meteoroid

Learning Path 1: Exercise 3

6 - Meteoroid

My Solution

5 - Atom


5 - Atom

Practice Exercise 3

6 - Meteoroid

Practice Exercise 3_Solution

5 - Atom



Please find my solution.


