Hello Alteryx fans,
You must join us at our next Alteryx user group meeting that will be purely focused on the SparkED program.
SparkED is a program that provides educators, students, and career changers with free software licenses, teaching tools, and learning resources for everyone who doesn't know.
I would love to learn Alteryx while working on my degree, and that is why during the meeting, we will focus on students who can use Alteryx during higher education.
During our meeting, we will have three presenters.
Arkadiusz Kotowski - SparkED Education Manager at Alteryx. He will give us an overview of the program.
Hasan B. Hboubati - Sales Engineering Manager. He will talk about his contribution to the program.
Robert Bembenik - Assistant Professor at Warsaw University of Technology. He will explain why they will teach Alteryx at the University.
Please invite all Educators, Career Changers and students who will benefit from this fantastic event!
Meetings informations:
WebEx Link : https://alteryx.webex.com/alteryx/j.php?MTID=ma99a97ce9a8f2f6c9224f8151daf01d1
Meeting number: 2591 480 4891
Password: Mf2w3M6pJQq
Note: To attend the event and follow our news, please click on "Join the Group Hub" at the top right of the Poland User Group homepage! Now, you can RSVP in the event page.
Feel free to get more information in our Knowledge Base Article: "How to RSVP to an event?".
On the day of the event, join here: https://community-alteryx.zoom.us/j/92777739268?pwd=S25KTU5nSnJOMlRiRkN5R2VkbHBzQT09
Do you want to understand the differences between Alteryx Cloud and Designer? Or maybe you're interested in the benefits of generative AI? If the answer is yes, then you need to join us at our next User Group Meeting.
During the meeting, you will gain insights into:
1. The differences between Alteryx Cloud and Alteryx Designer, and when and how to use each platform effectively. Alteryx ACE and analytics coach, Treyson Marks, will provide practical tips for using both tools in your data analysis for the best results. 2. Jupiter Bakakeu, Senior Data Scientist & Lead Sales Engineer at @Alteryx, will guide you on integrating generative AI into your business seamlessly and effectively. Gain insights from real-world examples and industry projects and learn strategies to cultivate a data- and AI-driven culture in your company, even with tech limitations.
Mark your calendars and don’t miss out!
📅 Date: Tuesday, May 28th
🕒 Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM CEST
📍 Location: Remote
We look forward to seeing you there!
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