Join the Alteryx Community’s Maveryx Summer Cup event! Compete, network with others, and earn your gold through a series of challenges from July 24th to August 11th. Learn more about the event here.


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Either Learn how to code or Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Hey Students,


“Take your career path in your own hands” – you’ve heard it before?


So, when are you going to do this? After you graduate? Here is my proposal. Graduate with the career path in your hands.

Join our upcoming user group meeting to enable this!


You will learn about SparkED program


The SparkED education program empowers students to succeed in the data economy. Get hands-on practice with data analytics technology already in use at thousands of companies globally.


It provides your university with a free educational software license.


"Alteryx empowers people like us, who have little to no computer coding background, to do complex things with data." - Alexandra Mannerings, Director of Analytics, Colorado Hospital Association


Lack of necessity of writing complex code make this software available for a wider range of people what is great!


Knowing Alteryx will make it much easier to get your dream job after graduation.


Here is what you can expect from SparkED:

  • skills development,
  • hands-on practice,
  • familiarize yourself with real-world projects,
  • powerful community of support - indeed one of the best communities 

We will have three fantastic speakers that will give you more details about the program. 

When? 15th December at 6 PM CET Time.

Registration link here: