Phoenix, AZ

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Alteryx Analyst Job Opportunity

5 - Atom

Hey All,


I'm a Technical Recruiter here in Phoenix Az, and was recommended this group to see if anyone would be interested in an 18 month contract opportunity. The role is with Wells Fargo and there will be an opportunity for the role to go permenant after the 3 month mark. The job description is below and if you are interested or have any additional questions i would love to setup a time to chat. I hope everyone has a great rest fo your day and thank you for your time.



  • . Pulling data together good software, need someone who has experience with Alteryx
  • Alteryx has been in the market close to 10 years
  • Project they need help with, business analyst/data analyst people that do reporting
  • 2+ years of experience 
  • Has a lot of capabilities
  • Use cases (below) experience with Alteryx is enough
  • **Taking word and pdf documents and putting those into a database and using Alteryx to pull from and use
  • Experience refining supplier to match algorithm


Here are the Alteryx use cases that we would like to complete with the help of an Alteryx contractor.


  • Contract text use case - If we can build a good model for converting and storing text in SQL server or partner with EDA to load into Hadoop this could lead to us moving all our contracts into a database to help with QA, data quality and analysis that currently require people to download and review contracts manually.    
  • R&R Planning for Kelly Hall- Load 15-25 key risk contracts into SQL server and look for language or provisions allowing vendors to terminate by reason of change of control.  Assets are being sold during the RRP. 
  • SOW contract rates – consulting rates are currently captured in SOW document (~4K per year).  We would load contracts in SQL server and extract the rates to enable reporting to help guide demand management efforts, enable comparison across suppliers, price trending etc.  There are captured in contract documents. 
  • Suppler match algorithm – Alteryx has a built in supplier/customer match algorithm that can be trained and customized to achieve matching by name and address.  This will help reduce manual effort to match between Emptoris and PeopleSoft supplier which is required for many analysis.  It will also help with quarterly GU matching with Experian data including highlighting diverse suppliers.  This could be shared with AP who is working on mapping 80k suppliers to PeopleSoft to help with I-8 and other tax document refresh.
  • Invoice image use case – convert images to text and load images into SQL server and pull product and service detail including, unit price, SOW detail and other key information that can help with price trends and contract compliance.
  • Data quality – Build a data field assessment algorithm that pareto values and assigned a data quality rating.  Build a workflow that can highlights data quality issues and propose updated value based on predefined logic.  We could also automate the formatting of the fast load file.

Extract it information from Word or PDF and converts it into data that you are able to run a report on, using it to extract information from word or pdf files


Supplier algorithm used that one and have they tuned it to make it accurate for specific use.