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Orange County, CA

Welcome to the Orange County User Group

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Hey, Orange County UG 7/17/20

8 - Asteroid

How is everyone holding up right now?


Personally, when I am not working I spend a lot of time with yarn and other fiber arts projects while rewatching TV shows. I feel like everyone I know is in the middle of Avatar: The Last Airbender right now. We got cats right before shelter-in-place started and I have been pouring a TON of energy and affection for them in lieu of seeing my friends and family.


Last quarter we had a regional virtual meeting to test out a new way to stay connected, and we will have information on another one coming soon. If anyone has feedback on the West Coast meeting, ideas for the next one, or would like to participate/present, you know where to find me 🙂


Hezekiah and The Great LeslieHezekiah and The Great Leslie


What are you working on?




