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Orange County, CA

Welcome to the Orange County User Group

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Hello Everyone!

6 - Meteoroid


Hello Everyone,

My name is Zachary Drexler and it’s a pleasure to JoinMultiple_41x41.png the OC User Group.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of the talented and  Unique_41x41.pngdata professionals in this data-driven Union_41x41.png.

It is quite flattering to have been Select_41x41.png’d to assist this organization.

And although I could go on about it all day, for the sake of time, I’ll Summarize_41x41.png.

The OC User Group is a fantastic opportunity to share efficiencies, knowledge, and Insight_41x41.pngs for the Optimization_41x41.png of our skills.

As a man of Action_41x41.pngand Sort_41x41.png of a geek. (Okay, a big geek). I am always happy to assist with any questions you may have.

If you ever want to bounce some ideas, maybe smooth_41x41.pngout a workflow, or just say ‘hi’, please feel free to contact me via email_41x41.png @


I look forward to working with all of you!




Zachary Drexler

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Everyone,


In the event that you read the latest post within your email, the embedded images may not be visible.

And if that's the case, my apologies for the awkwardly-worded, perhaps abstruse message that may have resulted.


Viewing the post on the message board should clear things up.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Love it! The tools came through on my end :)
Tuvy Le
Manager, Community ACE Program