This is Sarah, the newest member of the OCUG Leader Squad (or at least that's what I'm calling it).
I hope you've all had a great year so far. We are getting excited about Inspire AND ramping up for the Q2 OC User Group Meeting. We'll send out an official invite for the meeting in a few weeks but plan for late June, after Inspire.
Our survey from a few months ago had several people express interest in learning more about Regular Expressions and the RegEx tool, would anyone be interested in sharing their expertise or a lesson they are familiar with at the next meeting? We love having as many people participate as possible.
Also, is there anything else you as a community would like to see/try/participate in during these meeting? More socializing, games, trainings, etc. This is your time and we want to give you the best experience we can.
Hoping to see some of you at Inspire next month!