Hello Everyone!
Thank you to all that participated in the Oklahoma City User Group for Q3 of 2024. We had a killer turn out of 24 people and had lots of exciting and engaging conversation. We had two presentations that covered some more in-depth Alteryx topics and explored the ways we can become better analysts by leveraging AI.
Scott Jones spoke about how he leverages Alteryx during the process of migrating files between environments. Leveraging the directory tool to find Alteryx files and then parsing through the XML that makes up a YXDB and finding the files that those workflows depend on. We also talked about how the blob tools can be leveraged to move files between directories, automating parts of a migration.
In the second half of a meeting we went through an exercise where we talked about ways to approach analytic functions that we don't necessarily know how to do. We gave an example where we were looking at sales compensation planning with a Monte Carlo simulation, going to ChatGPT to have a conversation around what this simulation does and how we execute this analysis. We then took those instructions and started building an Alteryx workflow that gave us an first pass at this sort of analysis.
We are excited to start planning out our Q4 meeting. As a reminder, anyone that would like to speak is more than welcome to do so. All meetings are in-person so that is the one requirement.
Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics