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Hi! Jealous of your companions in other cities doing cool Alteryx For Good projects with their User Group colleagues? No More! Jump in on this thread to become part of the planning and kickoff process. Seth (NYC), Deanna (Dallas), and of course Lauren (Alteryx/Irvine) have kindly set us in motion on our Aug 2018 meeting thread and everyone is invited to continue the conversation here ---KP
So, our AUG is starting AFG in Aug? ;)
I'm glad to see this starting and hope I can help.
Hi Laurence --
Yes, we are in the (very) early stages of this process. We hope it will foster a more interactive AUG all while giving back to the community. All ideas are welcome and appreciated and we want everyone to be involved in this new venture.
Thanks @smoskowitz for introducing this at the technical session yesterday! I love the idea and am really interested in getting involved with the initiative!
Is there a list of requirements for qualifying non-profits posted somewhere that we can reference for research? And Seth, you mentioned some websites you were using to look up non-profit earnings info - can you share those again?
Thanks for getting the ball rolling with this!
Thank you for your email. Below is some information provided to me that you might find useful. You can also read more about Alteryx For Good @
I am interested in volunteering for AFG. What is the process for the same? Can someone help me out?
Hi, I am interested in volunteering for AFG, please advise on the process and requirement on how to get involved. Thanks!
I have several leads for Alteryx For Good in Brooklyn that I would like to develop with the User Group (of which I am a new member). The basic use case involves providing analytics and visualizations for NGOs with interesting geo-spatial data sets. One potential project would support the upcoming NYC BioBlitz in which a very cool phone app called iNaturalist is used to crowd-source data: document observations, identify specimens, and publish the results. Another would contribute to a New York Mycological Society study of mycorrhizal relationships between fungi and trees. I think there is also a good opportunity to partner with Savi @Pratt which is very active in the community and would understand and appreciate how Alteryx skills could contribute to projects. There is particular potential for those interested in building skills in geo-spatial and data science as well as those with hard core mapping and stat knowledge. Looking forward to discussing at the upcoming Happy Hour. -- Potter
Hi @potter ,
Are you coming to the Users Group tomorrow?
Yes, I will be at the User Group. That was my Happy Hour reference.