Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to take a minute to check in, say hi, and see how you're doing.
The last few weeks have been adventurous, to put it mildly.
So I have 3 discussion topics (2 of which I stole from the Alteryx User Group leaders meeting):
1. What's the hardest thing about working from home (or other recent adjustments)?
2. What's the easiest/best thing?
3. Share one of your favorite videos, links, memes, articles - whether inspirational, funny, or informative.
I'll start:
1. The hardest thing is that I really miss spontaneous face-to-face interactions
2. The best thing is there's barely any prep time for work and I can sleep later or get up and do something fun, like the jigsaw puzzle I did this morning!
3. This is my new favorite chart:
Hi Everyone hope you're all healthy and staying sane!
1. What's the hardest thing about working from home (or other recent adjustments)? I've been working from home for the past 5 years, so the only real change for me is school not happening but that was a relatively new thing for us anyway so for me it's like we just time warped back to Spring of 2019 with more rain. I miss being able to go to coffee shops to escape the house for a few hours a week though... and seeing humans
2. What's the easiest/best thing? Knowing that everyone else is now also working in their pajamas all day
3. Share one of your favorite videos, links, memes, articles - whether inspirational, funny, or informative. Here's the most confusing dashboard out of this thing... why are auto sales up 70% in NJ last week vs the week before?
That's a great question! Maybe people are buying cars they can't drive because prices are probably at an all-time low?
I think it has to do with an abnormally small denominator. Some of these states' weekly sales have dropped so much from pre-pandemic times that looking at weekly change is almost like trying to divide by zero.
Very interesting dashboard though. If you look at 3/17-4/13 vs the previous 4-week period it really shows how hard the industry has been hit.