Join the Alteryx Community’s Maveryx Summer Cup event! Compete, network with others, and earn your gold through a series of challenges from July 24th to August 11th. Learn more about the event here.

Leeds, UK

Post Inspire Leeds User Group Meet Up

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


We have a very special event happening soon in the wake of the Alteryx Inspire event taking place in London next week.


We have guest speakers all the way over from Alteryx USA as well as some of our very own covering sessions from the conference as well as running a mini Grand Prix event. Details and event sign up link are below.


This session is taking place in Asda House Leeds the 28th of October 1500-1730 with the following agenda:



  • Alteryx Tips & Tricks
  • Alteryx Community & Alteryx ACE Program
  • Prescriptive Analytics
  • Alteryx Inspire Download
  • Mini Grand Prix



8 - Asteroid



Please could you confirm the date of this event? The Eventbrite page has 2 dates on it: 24th Oct; and 28th Oct.


Many thanks



7 - Meteor

Hi Ben,

Apologies for the confusion the event is taking place on the 28th - will get the link updated.


Thanks for pointing this out.