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Which Alteryx tools have you hacked?

12 - Quasar

I'll start:  Data Cleansing Tool


I was happy to see that the ability to remove null columns in the Data Cleansing tool! But I also wanted to be able to remove columns that were filled with a constant (e.g., all 'N/A', all with the same load date, or all 0's).


So, I drilled down to the sub-macro called removeNullColumns and changed the condition from CountNonNull to CountDistinct and subsequently filtered out where CountDistinct_Value <=1.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Pretty much all of the R tools! Add a metric here, change some parameters there, update the charts... It's so cool that we can open up the tools and adjust for our own needs. So flexible!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

In my case, I guess every one that is a macro and sometimes, complemented some that are not macros within one.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

R tools for sure for mainly around displaying my coeffs how I want them, and the standardisation (stats) which is in the nearest neighbours. I love doing this or extending them and that is the beauty of Alteryx.

12 - Quasar

I've hacked two:


Publish to Tableau: Added a service account to actually publish the hyper file, to avoid the problem of having to update passwords every x days, due to network policy.  It still requires the users' AD credentials at config time, so they only see the projects they've been given access to.  Then, with SSL on the server and encrypting the macro, the service account credentials are not visible.


Base64 Encoder: The length of the first line in training data in the Macro Input is divisible by three, so it doesn't bleed into the next row.  But if you have multiple rows with lengths that are not multiples of three, then the "encoding" will be incorrect.  So I replaced the third RecordID tool with a Multi-Row Formula to ensure the the eight-bit pattern didn't bleed into the following character.  That was the main thing but I added some grouping and sorting to ensure correct order.
And after all that, I added an option to decode Base64.

12 - Quasar




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Inspired by @jdunkerley79 , I have a number of small hacks to various alteryx JS/CSS/HTML files.


1) Formula tool: Change default datatype to double. It used to be double, and then they switched it V_String. I switched it back:



2) Formula/filter tool: custom colors. I found the css file that governed colors and created my own palatte:


3) Filter tool: I defaulted the tool to the custom filter and also deleted the annoying text that starts in that box:


4) Sample Tool: I changed the default to 1 record. 99% of the time I use a sample tool to just get 1 record.







15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hey @patrick_digan 

I really like the filter/formula colours! 
Any pointer on where to look for this css file?

Awesome content in this thread, Cheers for sharing guys!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I'll let @patrick_digan share his formula tool hackery... (he took it further than me).


The most hackery I did was adding a custom UI to the RegEx tool as I wanted both syntax highlighting and input / output preview:



Given the new SDK might be time for a new version...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@TheOC wrote:

hey @patrick_digan 

I really like the filter/formula colours! 
Any pointer on where to look for this css file?

Awesome content in this thread, Cheers for sharing guys!

First backup any files you modify. You can really destroy alteryx if you goof up a file.


Second, don't disregard my first point. I don't want anybody to have to reinstall alteryx because the css file was goofed up and they couldn't figure out how to get it back to normal. I've goofed up files to where the formula tool won't load. It wasn't an issue since I just reverted to my backup files.


Now, they're unfortunately in 2 different spots. The formula tool css is here: "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\HtmlAssets\Shared\1\lib\build\designerDesktop.css" 


On line 1085, you'll see something that starts with this: .cm-s-alteryx .cm-keyword. 


Here is the css I use: 

.cm-s-alteryx .cm-keyword { color: #2626FF; font-weight:bolder; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-atom { color: #F90; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-number { color: #dc322f; font-weight:bold }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-def { color: #8DA6CE; }
	.cm-s-alteryx, .cm-s-alteryx { color: #690; }
	.cm-s-alteryx, .cm-s-alteryx { color: #07a; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-variable { color: #268bd2; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-property { color: #07a; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-qualifier { color: #690; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-op { color: #93a1a1; font-weight:bold}
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-comment { color:#93a1a1; font-weight:normal; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-space { color:#000000; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-string { color:#00B285; font-style:italic; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-string-2 { color:#bd6b18; } /*?*/
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-meta { color: #000; } /*?*/
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-builtin { color: #b58900; } /*?*/
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-tag { color: #997643; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-attribute { color: #d6bb6d; } /*?*/
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-header { color: #FF6400; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-hr { color: #AEAEAE; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-link { color:#ad9361; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-error { border-bottom: 1px solid red; }
	.cm-s-alteryx .cm-post-error { color: #000; font-weight: normal; }
	.cm-field { color: #268bd2 }
	.cm-func { color: #d33682}
	.cm-param { display: inline-block}
	.cm-active-param { font-weight: bold}
	.cm-const { color: green}
	.cm-quest { color: mediumpurple }
	.cm-FuncE , .cm-FuncS { color: #d33682;}

You can use the html developer tools to figure out when these different classes are being used. These tools can also help you find which css file is being used. For example, I can use the select an element thingy in the developer tools and see that this comment has the tag cm-comment:


Once you know what tag alteryx is giving it, you can go to the css and change the css to whatever you want.


For the filter tool, It's saved here: "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\HtmlAssets\Shared\2\lib\build\2.css". This css file isn't separated on lines like the formula tools, but you can find that same tag (cm-s-alteryx .cm-keyword) that starts it. I believe .cm-FuncE is the last one. I use the same css in the 2 files. 



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