Important Community update: The process for changing your account details was updated on June 25th. Learn how this impacts your Community experience and the actions we suggest you take to secure your account here.

Inspire | Buzz

Ask questions, connect with other conference attendees, and share your experience.

Suggestion for next Inspire

12 - Quasar



Can we get Community User Names included either on our badges and/or (preferably) on our Conference shirt as I'd love to be able to walk up to people that I dont know and thank them for helping me with something on the Community.  I know a bunch of people's real names but there are so many others it would a great "aha moment"/connection for the heavier users of the community to connect.


Or maybe allow people to opt-in to including on badges underneath their real names.  


As you can see I am already looking forward to next year's event.  😁



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Greate idea!
I would love that also.

Maybe there should a sreen and scaner so we can touch our badge then our profile will be shown up.😁

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@DanielG, indeed! I also missed the Community handles on everybody's badges. I will make sure to pitch this idea again to the event team! Thank you for sharing your feedback! 

Flávia Brancato
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Great idea!! I will see what is possible for 2024.