To get you ready to race, we’ve taken a book out of Formula 1! We will be posting 3 Free Practice opportunities for you before Inspire.
This is Free Practice 2.
This free practice we have provided previous Grand Prix workflows for you to practice your speed of solving. This will allow you to get used to the type of workflows you may see at Inspire and to help you increase your speed.
Feeling like you're fast? Respond to this post with your times for each workflow to see how you compare against the competition.
We also encourage users to provide tips and tricks to increase your speed on the canvas. Maybe it’s simple short cuts like CTR+R to run the workflow quickly or cache the data on first run.
There will be one more practice post created in the coming weeks as we get closer to Inspire.
Subscribe to the Inspire Buzz board to keep up with all things Inspire!
See Free Practice 1
US Grand Prix Lap 1 - Data Prep
Nice one. I have completed this as weekly challenge though. 😁
Same @Qiu 😂
Decent times:
L1: 4:29.33
L2: 4:18.77
L3: 7:58.09