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What Would You Do if You Were "Teacher for a Day"? #AlteryxInEducation

11 - Bolide


My fellow ACE @NicoleJohnson and I had the privilege of speaking to a wonderful group of educators in Orange County who are learning Alteryx in order to bring it into their classrooms.


Let's show these Alteryx newbies some love!  If you were teacher-for-a-day in a high school class... What is one really cool, useful Alteryx skill you would teach them?


And, to our friends in the Orange County Alteryx for Good class, please let us know some areas of your curriculum that you want to bring Alteryx into, and let the Alteryx Community help you out.






Author: Citizen Gain: Citizen Data Scientist as the Catalyst for the Modern Analytics Strategy

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hmharris/

Twitter: @citizen_gain






5 - Atom

Thank you! It was great to hear your story!

11 - Bolide



It was fun to visit your class!


How do you plan to bring Alteryx into the classroom?



12 - Quasar

I think one of the most awesome things in Alteryx is the Summarize tool.


There were so many concepts such as Median, Mode, Range, Max, Min, etc. that I didn't realize were important performing high school math.


When I first started exploring the Summarize tool and using it daily, all the information from early school to high school finally made sense!


Thank you,



11 - Bolide



That is such an excellent application with how a tool like Alteryx can really bring to life the things you are trying to teach your students!


I bet your examples would be really valuable for other teachers and curriculum.



12 - Quasar



I actually went to college with the goals of being a history teacher.

Since, I've become an accountant and now Alteryx user. I would be very happy to participate if there are virtual mentorship/trianing sessions to be involved with! Please keep me in your mind. My LinkedIn is attached to my profile 🙂