Hi there Healthcare User Group!
We are seeking topic ideas, content suggestions, and presenters for the November Healthcare User Group meeting. Based on feedback we received (and to prime the pump of ideas), we heard interest in:
Of course, other ideas are welcome.
We also need presenters of content. Have no fear, the majority of us are in the Beginner -> Intermediate range of skill, so we are confident that your topic will be valuable to the group.
Please reply with suggestions for topics and, especially, if you have content you would like to present.
All the best,
~ Nathan
I come across a lot of issues on data security, some misunderstandings on fuzzification, encryption etc, and even leakages sometimes when we are talking about healthcare analytics...
I would suggest methods on data security and encryption;
here is a relevant idea I've raised lately...
Hi @Atabarezz,
I reviewed your post and it looks like a legitimate to me. Would you be willing to walk through some use cases at a future User Group meeting?
~ Nathan
Would love to attend and present, when is the date? I'm in Istanbul,
I can do a remote connection and send some slides and examples...