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General Events

Thursday, December 9, 2021
¿Te apasiona desarrollar soluciones con Alteryx? ¿Te gustaría compartir una sesión con otros adictos a Alteryx para aprender y compartir nuevas ideas? Te invitamos a participar en la segunda reunión del Grupo de Usuarios de Alteryx de Latinoamérica. Podrás compartir casos prácticos de la industria, tips and tricks, compartir mejores prácticas, hacer networking y maximizar tu potencial con todo lo que tiene Alteryx y su comunidad para ofrecer.   Es un evento gratuito y abierto a cualquier usuario, independientemente de su nivel de conocimiento de Alteryx. Esta es tu oportunidad de conocer a otros Data Citizens como tu! Te esperamos! Register to this Event by clicking "Yes" on the top right corner!   El día del evento, utiliza este link para acceder a la reunión:   FECHA: Jueves, 9 de diciembre HORA: 4:30 PM: México/Costa Rica/El Salvador/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua             5:30 PM: Bogotá/Panamá/Ecuador/Perú             6:30 PM: Bolivia/Canadá/Chile/Paraguay/República Dominicana/Venezuela             7:30 PM: Argentina/Brasil/Uruguay            11:30 PM: España   AGENDA: Presentación del Grupo de Usuarios Kahoot! – “Recap de la primera reunión” ~10-15 min. “Elaborando un Business Case” | Julio R. ~40 min. Alteryx Community Updates | ~15 min. “Recomendaciones en el uso del R y Python tool” | Juan Pablo Z. ~40 min. “Bring your own problem” (Tienes alguna duda? O estás “atorado” con algo de Alteryx?) Traélo a la reunión e intentaremos ayudarte. Q&A / Propuestas / Next Steps   Tendremos expositores invitados y una oportunidad única para compartir nuestra pasión. Los esperamos a tod@s!   Alteryx LATAM User Group Leaders
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Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Join Webinar via Link or Dial-In Information Below Join by phone 1-855-244-8681 | Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 | Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Join Webinar via Link or Dial-In Information Below Join by phone 1-855-244-8681 | Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 | Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Please join us for a very special live panel event to celebrate the launch of our community events feed.  We'll be joined by Dean Stoecker, co-founder and executive chairman of Alteryx (and massive community supporter) as well as some special guests - Alteryx's first employee Amy Holland and long-term ACE Mark Frisch. We'll be reminiscing about what things were like when the company was just getting started, how things have evolved over the past 25 years, and lessons that everyone has learned along the way (some of which you can find in Dean's book, MASTERPIECE: The Emotional Journey to Creating Anything Great…Anything). This is an event that you DON'T want to miss.  It's bound to be full of fun, laughter, and likely some poignant memories of when Alteryx was nothing more than a wild idea - before it had a chance to alter an industry and many career trajectories along the way. Make sure to register for the event to get the log-in information, and we can't wait to see you there!
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Thursday, June 16, 2022
Calle de José Abascal, 41, 28003 Madrid, Espanha
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