Hello everyone! We enjoyed the first user group meeting back in July so much, that we decided we wanted to meet again here in Q4! On Monday, October 30th from 09:00-11:00 we are meeting at the Meinders Business School on the campus of Oklahoma City University to discuss all the fun new things we are doing with Alteryx. As a note, we are also hoping to have users present their own use cases or just talk about a tool that they like and how they use it. Whatever you may want to discuss! If you want to speak, please feel free to comment here or send me a direct message and we can get those details ironed out!
We will follow a similar format as the last session, but again, would love to hear from members of the community!
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Hello Everyone!
I want to thank both everyone that registered and those who came to our 2023 Q4 Alteryx User Group meeting yesterday! We had 22 people from 7 different metro organizations and couldn't be more excited about the community engagement at this point. Below is a recap of the events. We will keep everyone posted on announcements for 2024!
Session 1: Jeff Hill from Smith and Nephew presented about how he and his team are using Alteryx to speed up the time to insights at their OKC manufacturing facility. He showed the lifecycle of development (A lot of tools, fewer tools, fewer tools, etc.) that comes with learning the platform and the unforeseen biproduct of their work.
Session 2: We discussed how to make Alteryx work with Excel templates. Creating multiple tabs, using the new control containers, writing to ranges and using command line to copy templates and manage directories.