we are very proud to invite you to the first North West, UK User Group Meeting in person!
This is such a great opportunity for Alteryx Community users to connect, share best practices and improve skill sets!
PwC Office Manchester
No 1, Crown Square, 1 Hardman Square, Manchester M3 3EB
19th April 2023 18:00 - 19:30
Register now!
See you there,
Your North West, UK User Group Leaders
I would've been really keen to attend this but i'm away - hopefully see you at the next one!
Hi Kenny, we'll be hosting every quarter, with the next one being virtual, so keep an eye out for the next post :)
The next session is booked in, Wednesday 26th July, I hope you can make it :)
Hello! How do we book onto this event? Thanks
Hey Natalie, the next session can be booked on here - https://community.alteryx.com/t5/General-Events/North-West-UK-User-Group-Meeting-In-person/ec-p/1151... hope to see you there
So our first session has come and gone, was great seeing everyone and I'm so excited to build our community.Our next session will be in July and by popular vote it looks like we will try and make the events hybrid. So while we have July 26th penciled in this may change subject to getting a venue organised.
So in the meantime feel free to read and re-read and maybe even read again the slides from the first event, and have a go at my little quiz at the end :) hopefully you smash it like @Ellie_P did.
I might have mentioned that I'm going to Inspire in Vegas in a few weeks. Anyone else going?
If you're also a crafter, have a look at this blog to find out why I'll be there.