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JSON Parsing- multiple records in a file

5 - Atom

Hi All

I will be grateful if you could help me.  I am trying to parse a file that has multiple Json records.  Pls see the attachment.  Most of the Json is not even read completely  by the input tool.  I am also attaching the value what is parsed by the Json Parser as a workflow extract.  Am I doing something wrong in Configuring either the Input or the parser tool pls?  Can anyone suggest what is the correct Workflow, I must set up. 


The need is to view details all the Legal entity codes in the output panel i.e details of N0000 & N0001 to be visible in distinct rows in the output panel.  As you can see detail in regard to N0001 is not even visible and some details of N0000 are completely missing


Thanks in advance

17 - Castor

Hi @krish0707 


I had some success splitting it into separate JSON, the response is interesting because it looks like two separate responses in one. You may need to tweak a bit, I think the word document may have messed up some of the formatting so the actual JSON might be cleaner to work with.




