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I did not received my Credly badge for Alteryx Certification Designer Core

5 - Atom

Dear Alteryx Certification team,


I have taken and passed the Alteryx Designer Core exam on Friday but for now I did not received the Credly badge or an e-mail from them.I have contacted the Credly team and they told me that they did not received anything from Alteryx, related to my test.


If I check my community profile I can see the certification there, but as a badge I did not received it.(mailed to you about this issue yesterday).


Can you please help me with this topic? I would really appreciate it! 





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hmm, from your profile - you don't have the badge. It could mean a few things - 

  1. You used a different account / put in the wrong url/username/user ID
  2. Can you go to this link: and screenshot the bottom Designer Desktop certification? If it's available - it either means you didn't pass or you didn't take it yet (back to #1). If it says "Re-certification available on ..." it means you passed and took it in the correct account.
  3. If it's latter of #2, then you need to wait for Alteryx Certification to get back to you on this.

Hope this helps.


cc @AlteryxCertification 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE

Hi @paduretu_claudiu! Our team will be reaching out to you directly.


Thanks @caltang 

5 - Atom

@AlteryxCertification I had  taken my Alteryx designer core certification on May 7th and its visible on my profile that I have passed the test but I have not received the badge as well as the certificate. Kindly look into it. Thank you
