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Data Analytics Students Go Further, Faster with Alteryx

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

IMPACT STORY: How long does it take to move from a curiosity about data to actually falling in love with analytics? Or to move from the college classroom to a thriving data career? As it turns out, not very long! Using Alteryx in the curriculum accelerates students’ learning, their excitement about data analytics and their career growth.   and   shared their experiences of teaching and learning with Alteryx. West is a graduate of the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder. He discovered Alteryx in professor Kai Larsen’s courses, and later worked as a teaching assistant for Kai. West is now a business analyst with Alteryx partner, AB Data Consulting. Larsen, associate professor of information systems, at UC Boulder, has been teaching analytics using Alteryx since 2015 as part of the school’s business analytics curriculum. When students master data analytics skills and Alteryx Designer in their college courses, many land data jobs. West and Larsen explain how Alteryx contributes to that success. Read the impact story: https://www.alteryx.com/input/data-analytics-students-go-further-faster-with-alteryx