Engine Works

Under the hood of Alteryx: tips, tricks and how-tos.
8 - Asteroid

I love what I do. Writing good code is super fun. What makes it even more fun though is the passion of our customers. Our customers let us know what they think about Alteryx. Most of the feedback is great, but they don't hesitate to let us know where we can improve as well. The great thing is that they care enough to talk to us. It is amazing to me how many people out there really seem to enjoy using our product. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.


Anyway, this week some of our customers have taken it to a whole new level. They created a user blog about Alteryx. How cool is that! Now I am sure that not everything will be flattering, but that's OK. They care enough to blog about our product.


So check out The a**3 Blog (all about Alteryx). I certainly will be reading it.