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Engine Works

Under the hood of Alteryx: tips, tricks and how-tos.

Are you new to Alteryx and looking to build your first workflow? Or maybe you’ve been around a while, but you need a little inspiration to begin creating a new masterpiece of your own. Either way, you’ve made it to the right place. Welcome to the Land of Analytics Automation – my name is Zach, and I’ll be your tour guide for the day (or at least for this blog post).


Source: GIPHY


Oftentimes, the hardest part of trying something new is having the courage to get started. We’ve all had seemingly grand ideas that never materialized, right? Or is that just me? That New Year’s resolution to start exercising again… The voice in your head that keeps telling you to drink more water… You get the idea. Getting started with Alteryx can feel the same way. You want to build a workflow, but you just don’t know where to start. Luckily, I’m here to guide you through it. Let’s see just how easy it is to build an Alteryx workflow.


Source: GIPHY


In the video below, I’ll be walking you through how to build an Alteryx workflow using some of our most popular tools. The best part? It takes less than 5 minutes! You can follow along with me by downloading the Start File (attached at the bottom of this workflow). This will give you the datasets you need to build the workflow pre-loaded into Designer for you. Now, how easy is that?!


Alright, enough with the GIFs (for now). Time to watch the video!



See? I told you it was easy! Now that you’ve followed along with me and built an awesome Alteryx workflow (bravo, by the way), download the Finished Workflow below to compare your results to mine. This is a great way to check your work and further explore the tool configurations used to arrive at our solution.


Source: GIPHY


Finally, since I am your tour guide for today’s post, I’d like to leave you with some souvenirs to help you remember our time together. Below, you will find helpful links that will guide you toward documentation for all the tools we used in today’s workflow. Thank you for visiting this blog post today. It was a pleasure to welcome you to the Land of Automation. Please come back anytime!


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5 - Atom

This video is super helpful! Thank you for compiling all of this information Zach! 👍