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Weekly Exercise #4

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


The solution to last week's exercise can be found here. This week we'll continue looking at a baseball dataset and do some predictive analytics with it.


The objective:  Determine the top 10 variables that correlate to wins (excluding [Win_Pct] and [Games] from the correlation).  Leverage those top 10 variables to predict the # of wins the team will have in next year’s season.

Isolate the teams to only use Boston - BOS, Los Angles of Anaheim - LAA, Chicago Cub - CHC, San Francisco Giants - SFG, Colorado Rockies - COL and Texas Rangers - TEX.


Best of luck, and if you're going to Inspire next week test your skill on the Grand Prix!


8 - Asteroid

Woops, named this wrongly, it was meant to be Exercise #5!!

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


Hope you find this exercise interesting, I certainly did! I have attached the solution to this post.

8 - Asteroid