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When is Alteryx going to host a happy hour for the Denver users? One of the strengths of this software was its community. I feel like the company is not promoting its user base like it used to. Lets go Denver!
Hi @dtokarz312! Thank you for poking us. Currently, the Denver User group is looking for leaders to continue running the User Group meetings. In fact, if you are interested and available to co-lead with other users, I would love to connect with you. 😉
Hello! I'd love to help start this back up again!
How can we get this started up again??? Denver Alteryx User Group is long overdue for another networking session!
Hi @sashalarsen and @chris_carter, I am happy to see your enthusiasm in supporting the Denver User Group. Like I said in the comment above, we are actively looking for leaders to support running the User Group meetings. So if you are both interested and available to co-lead with other users, I would love to connect with you. We have @nathanbrini, former Atlanta User Group leader already working to put something together soon.
@FláviaB I'm happy to co-lead!
@sashalarsen, fantastic! I will reach out to you privately. Is the email in your profile a good one to connect to?
Awesome! @FláviaB @sashalarsen Pumped to get this user group up and running again. Let's find a time to chat!