Denver, CO

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Q4 Denver User Group meeting, featuring Dr. Dan and predictive analytics

8 - Asteroid

Please join us for the Q4 Denver Area Alteryx User Group meeting at the Alteryx Broomfield Office.

We are excited to hold our predictive-focused meeting with special presenter Dr. Dan Putler for the final meeting of 2016. Dr. Dan will guide you through the thought process of starting a predictive analytics project.


Tentative Agenda (will update as presentations are finalized):

4:00 - 4:30 Networking 

4:30 - 6:30 Executing Predictive Analytics Projects, Dr. Dan Putler, Chief Scientist at Alteryx

6:30 - 7:00 Predictive Analytics Use Cases, Alteryx Users


We hope to see you there!

8 - Asteroid

To register for the user group meeting, follow this EventBrite link:



7 - Meteor



Due to a conflict with a separate Alteryx event on Wednesday, we have rescheduled our Q4 meeting to Tuesday, November 15th.  The location, agenda, and times have not changed, we just needed to bump it up one day.


We will be updating the EvenBrite link accordingly and reach out to anyone who has already registered.


Apologies for any confusion this has caused!  Hopefully we will see you there...