Connecticut, CT

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Q3 2023 Meeting Recap

12 - Quasar

Hi all,


First off, thank you to everyone that attended our inaugural meeting of the CT Alteryx User Group.  It was a good session spent mainly getting to know each other a little bit and try to get a baseline on where everyone is at in their Alteryx journey.  We had some good engagement and I am looking forward to many more productive meetings moving forward.


The meeting covered:


1.) Our initial Introductions to get to know everyone a little bit

2.) Tom covered some tips on populating multiple sheets in the same Excel workbook

3.) Dan provided thoughts on the Alteryx Community including helping people with questions, weekly challenges, etc.


Much like Santa's elves the day after Christmas, Tom and I are hard at work planning for the next (Q4) meeting.  We had many great ideas for future meetings expressed during the call and in the chat, but people don't stop sending more.  Post them anywhere in here and we can gather them up and curate a list.


In the interim, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be active not only in our User Group, but also the Community as a whole.  By active, I don't necessarily even mean posting questions and/or helping people, I just mean use it as a resource and absorb as much from it as you can.  There is so much I have learned just from being a part of the Community and have even made some friends along the way.


Here is the link to the recording for anyone that wasn't in attendance, or if you just miss us already and want to watch it again.  😁


Q3 2023 CT Alteryx User Group Virtual Meeting Recording 


Please feel free to post any questions or comments for us on here or you can send a message via the Community to @DanielG or @T-McGough 


Thanks everyone!!!

