Community News

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Folks! It’s almost December, and some of you know what that means! Time to break your brains and wonder what you have done with your life! Meaning… it’s time to get crazy with Advent of Code!


What is Advent of Code?


For those not familiar, this is a set of 25 puzzles (each with two parts) set by a guy named Eric Wastl. They have a Christmas theme and story and are solvable with just a little programming knowledge and some puzzle-solving skills. The puzzles start quite easy and get ridiculously complicated, and part two of each day can often be a lot harder. They are hard, but they are really fun!


I can’t believe it! AoC is turning 10 this year! The legend grows, and the tradition continues.


The Alteryx legend himself, @AdamR suggested we try solving these AoC puzzles in Alteryx, and so a new annual tradition began. Many of the ACEs and I didn't want to let this tradition end!


It’s worth noting that the puzzles do not necessarily suit Alteryx directly, but trying to solve them in Alteryx is an excellent chance to sharpen your skills.


We created some rules (because no one needs complete chaos, now do they? (@mceleavey, you are exempt for obvious reasons…)


If you joined us in the last few years, much of the setup will be exactly the same!


We will be solving using "BaseA":




  • No RunCommand tool
  • No Python tool
  • No R tool
  • No SDK based Custom Tools (macros are fine)
  • No Formula SDK extensions
  • No AI (New Rule in 2023!)
  • Download tool allowed for downloading (no posting to APIs to get answers from!)


How to Join the Challenge


No matter your level or experience, we would love for you to join us!

  • We have an Alteryx leaderboard you can join by going to and using the code 908788-a11e85b1.
    • ATTENTION! I ask that you use either your real name or your community name so we can make sure we:
      1. Give you proper credit
      2. Don’t accidentally remove you because we think you are a bot or non-Alteryx user



Now if that wasn’t enough to convince you then this surely will. Last year we started giving out community badges!


Advent of Code 2024-01.png


Yep, it’s true! You have a chance to earn an exclusive AoC Community Badge on your profile. Isn’t this so legit? To earn the badge, you must reply to at least one Advent of Code discussion post (in the General forum). This year, we are expanding the badges—you will receive a higher level badge if you reply with your solution to more days. The badge increments are 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. Who will get the 25 badge this year? It will be a challenge for sure! Badges will be awarded in mid-January so you will have a bit of time to catch up if you get too busy in December.


The leaderboard awards points by the order in which they are solved. As the puzzles are published at midnight Eastern time, this gives those who live on the West Coast an advantage! Generally, this means it is fairest to look at total stars rather than points.


Just like last year, you’ll see community threads started each day for that day’s puzzles where you can either ask for help or post your solution much like weekly challenges (Don’t forget to hide your answer!). Also, A handful of us ACEs will write up our solutions with some alternative solutions from other people every week as a summary for those who can’t keep up on the daily!


Again, if you are up for a challenge and want to grow your Alteryx skills then this is the event of the year for you, and it starts on Dec 1st!


Important Reminders


The leaderboard only supports up to 200 at a time so you need to jump in right away! as it will fill up quickly. We are at 113 already! We all help each other, and you’ll get to work alongside the best Alteryx users in the world to really stretch the limits of what Alteryx can do and build skills you never imagined!


Note: There were a handful who signed up last year and then didn’t end up solving. They have been removed, and it’s assumed that they just got busy with other stuff last year (priorities folks!). This is a new year, and everyone is encouraged to sign up and go after it!


Any questions? Please post below or join us on the WhatsApp group linked above! 😊


Please share far and wide with anyone using Alteryx at your organizations!


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'll have zero time this year, but I'll sign up. Might get day one done. 

5 - Atom

Anyone want to lend me a license for the month of December?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This is the best time of the year - a chance to get this super-powered platform out on a highway and see what it can really do!

Thank you for hosting this again!


Are there any extra points if you solve while wearing an awful-looking holiday sweater?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Looking forward to crying into my pillow after day 3! Let's goooo!

8 - Asteroid

@JoshuaB How to join Alteryx leaderboard. does not have an option to key in the code. Thank you.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Goodbye to my evenings in December 👋😂 . Absolutely buzzing for this! 😎.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

YAY!! I've been looking forward to this all year! 🎉

12 - Quasar

Not seen this before. Am I letting myself in for a whole new world of pain??

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@Bobbyt23 - Yes :D 


Once you sign up, you can solve previous years' puzzles as warm ups. Or just wait until Dec 1 and then regret all past decisions ;) 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@JoshuaB - Is there a time limit to complete the 25 challenges? For, uhh, those of us who do this as a year long challenge after about Day 15 :) 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

My alone time in December is gone.😂

9 - Comet

First time I am participating in this challenge really excited for this fun activity.

10 - Fireball

I will do my best to survive as long as possible!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@AdamR , you could intern at Bulien!

5 - Atom

@mceleavey - Perfect! Sign me up!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@Carolyn the AoC challenges will be live indefinitely, and you're welcome to solve them at your own pace and post on Community! The badges will be awarded in mid-January, so you will have a bit of time to catch up after the 25th of December.


@SeanAdams would love to see pics of people solving in Christmas sweaters in this comment thread once the challenge goes live!


@kamanivk You first need to make sure you are logged in and then you should see this box where you enter your code. 





8 - Asteroid

Hi @JoshuaB I logged in and was able to enter the code. Thank you for the update.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Excited!!! I will try to Day 10 as my goal before my holidays!

11 - Bolide

I'm OOO for the whole December and I don't know why.... 
now I know why 🤣

6 - Meteoroid
Hello @joshuaB, there is no box to type in the code to join the private leaderboard.

@nehajain01 Were you able to figure it out? You need to ensure you are logged in and click on Leaderboard on the top menu then "Private Leaderboard"

6 - Meteoroid

I thought logged means login into alteryx community, I realised its login after opening the private Leaderboard. I logged in via my personal email id and was able to join now.

9 - Comet

Super excited for Advent of Code!

With commitments outside of work taking up most of my time I doubt I can get them all done in December, but I am motivated by shiny Community Badges, so I will try my best! :D

And solving the AoC while wearing a Christmas Jumper is a must :) Now if only I could get an "Alteryx" Christmas Jumper...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Ready to go - Ugly Sweater (with star-wars theme) is deployed and ready.


WhatsApp Image 2024-11-30 at 13.28.08_23a4c0d7.jpg

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

AND they are off.
Day 1 is off to a flying start - only 5 hrs and 45 mins in and already it is turning into an active year!





Really love seeing everyone jump in on day 1! 

6 - Meteoroid

How to show the (Sponsor) beside the name?

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I saw there is a place to input the sponsor code, so you need to become a sponsor and receive a code.

5 - Atom

Did the first two in Designer Cloud Standard Mode.  That was fun.

11 - Bolide

Should be fun

7 - Meteor

The Private Leaderboard is full so I can't join!


@EKasminsky Please try now :) 

7 - Meteor

That worked. Thank you!

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I join the fun on day 17 - better late than never, i guess :D


nice @DawnDuong I're inspiring me to take a whack at it tomorrow!


I'm really loving this!!


Lessons Learned so far (as of Day 4)

  1. Keep track of your guessed answers and if they were too high or too low (eventually it stops telling you...I learned this on day 2 part 2 after 10 guesses)
  2. If you want to get it right the first try, definitely test your solution with the sample data, while this didn't work for me every time (once I got the right answer on sample but not on full data...hello day 2 part 2)
  3. If you have been wrong many times, consider downloading someone else's solution, just to see what the right answer is / correct records are so you can better troubleshoot your workflow (hello again day 2 part 2)
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Merry Christmas everyone! ...time to go sleep until 2025.


12 - Quasar

@JoshuaB I picked up all the stars, but my badge is 15😢

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@ntakeda Hey there! The Community Team will review the workflow we used to calculate how many days players participated in and follow up with you and assign the correct badge in the next week. Apologies for the error!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@ntakeda I just sent you a PM :)


For anyone wondering, we calculate which badge you receive based on wether you provided a solution on each day's respective thread. If you missed a day, that could potentially put you in a different badge category.