In search of remnants following the devastating antimatter-matter explosion, sucking Santa deep into a black hole, Santa’s Reindeer went on a quest to uncover clues lost in the Alteryx Community.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out SANTALYTICS 2019 | Oh no! Santa’s lost in time! We look forward to your participation!
In addition to jazzy Christmas music and mistletoe, Cupid loves podcasts. And wouldn’t you know it? As a data science and analytics enthusiast, Cupid’s favorite podcast is Alter Everything!
Cupid is really worried about Santa falling deeper into the black hole, so they decide to turn to a favorite episode of Alter Everything to make them feel warm, fuzzy, and geared up to find Santa.
Thus, Cupid activates a listening device, sends a transmission to the Alteryx Community, which then broadcasts Alter Everything Podcast episode #3, “Something that fundamentally changes you”.
Alas! Cupid finds a neutrino oscillation pattern in the episode.
Hold onto your answer. You'll need it to complete the final challenge on December 16.
Are you stumped? Feel free to reply to this thread with questions.
Additional information along with contest terms can be found here.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Clue #7!
Happy Alteryx-ing!
*Bonus: To help dim the darkness of the black hole vortex Santa has been sucked into, leave a comment on the episode page sharing your favorite charity or volunteer activity. This holiday cheer will help inspire others to give back this holiday season, and will help let Santa know we’re on the way!