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5 - Atom

I don't know how to use this connector. Is there a step by step guide?

5 - Atom

I am trying to run the connector but it doesn't show me any data. I followed previous advices about removing the 731 error message and so on. Can someone help me? Is there any step by step guide?

9 - Comet

There is a Read Me.pdf document included in the package.

5 - Atom


I am getting the same error  - Is there any fix to this?    


Error: JIRA Connector (1): Please enter Username in format DOMAIN\SID (e.g. NAEAST\A123456)

JIRA Connector (1) Check Basic vs Bearer (720): Tool #80: Error transferring data: Couldn't resolve host name


6 - Meteoroid

@kmchundi This error (Error: JIRA Connector (1): Please enter Username in format DOMAIN\SID (e.g. NAEAST\A123456)) is actually a hard coded test in a macro within the flow that is looking for that domain\sid format. You will need to delete that from the macro or replace it with the correct AD format for your organization.



5 - Atom

jaxx084 Thank you. I will take a look and modify accordingly!

9 - Comet

Thanks for stepping in with the assist @jaxx084. Since this is the second time that I am hearing that feedback about the domain test I will try to get a new version out in the coming weeks that removes that test so that others do not need to modify it, or possibly disable it and provide instructions on how to customize it based on your organization's authentication method.

5 - Atom

bkclaw113  - Did you get a chance to make changes and push a new version?


Thank you!




8 - Asteroid

@bkclaw113 - Would you be able to know how to get SID with Domain as I'm running into the below two errors:Capture.PNG

5 - Atom



I had been using this tool for a bit with no issues as I was able to get the connection details, login and effectively pull from jira what i needed. We just however switched to a cloud based with atlass and am no longer able to connect to the server. Idk if that was enough informatio but curious if it had something to do with jira atlas... 


9 - Comet

Hi @slundstrom I have not actively used the JIRA connector with the cloud product, but as it is a different product I would not have expectations that the connector would work in the same manner. If you share the specific error message that you are getting I might be able to advise more but most likely this would require a consulting contract to extend the existing tool to work with JIRA Cloud.