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10 - Fireball

Dear @NicoleJohnson 


ask permission to bookmark this article ...

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Maybe I missed it, but can we have a direct link?
There is a download button😁, So sorry.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

@Ar13f  You should be able to bookmark by clicking on the link shown below:




And @Qiu glad you found it 🙂 Cheers!



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Bookmark done. Thanks

10 - Fireball

Dear @NicoleJohnson 


Bookmark done. Thanks

8 - Asteroid
8 - Asteroid

Hi All and @NicoleJohnson,


I love this macro and have been using it for some time.  I was trying to run this macro with a dataset from a new source (different than the source I've used previously).  It runs perfectly when used with data from the old source, but when used with data from the new source it will spin for a while and then return nothing in the output (no errors or anything, just no records returned, and yes I have checked that hierarchies do actually exist in the new source :P)


I've attached screenshots below, unfortunately I can't attach my workflow example here (I suppose my account isn't a high enough level to post files).


Screenshot (1) - Shows input of 'Example 1' Container [new source].

- Checked data types and set to V_String

- Removed duplicates on Children (Emp ID)

- Removed data quality issues (i.e. non-CEO nulls) in Parent (Supv ID)


Screenshot (2) - Shows input of 'Example 2' Container [old source].

- Checked data types and set to V_String

- Removed duplicates on Children (Emp ID)


Screenshot (3) - Shows output of 'Example 1' Container [new source]

- No records were outputted


Screenshot (4) - Shows output of 'Example 2' Container [old source]

- Expected output


Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)


(1)(1) Example_1_Screenshot.png










5 - Atom

Can someone let me know how can I select the child and parent field for my data? it is grayed out for me... or I am doing something wrong?


