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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Download includes both the Macro and a Demo Workflow for how to use the Macro. The Demo Workflow is not required to use this Macro.

5 - Atom



How does the moving contents of the file in a folder work? It works if I specify the exact name of the file. I want to move the contents of a folder without having to specify the file name. I tries folder\*.xlsx  and it did not work

5 - Atom

Hello, it is a useful macro. I like it. However I found that Move action with Always override on files doesn't work if the files exist in the destination directory already. Is this intended or a bug?  Thanks, Ed

6 - Meteoroid

I cannot find a link to the download of this macro, was it removed?


7 - Meteor

Can the source location be a .zip file?  And the destination be the contents of that zip file?  


I have a .zip file that is FTPed to us from the client.  Inside that .zip file is one .csv file, same name as the zip file.  
I'd like to copy this .csv file to a location on our network file to use for other reporting. 

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I no longer have access to this post to make edits as I no longer work at Alteryx. I have created a new listing with my final version of this tool as I left Alteryx. This can be found here:

File Directory Manager - Alteryx Community

Since this last version, I have added the ability to zip/unzip folders, list the contents of a folder, and delete content from a folder.

Please ensure that you handle this macro with caution and you are performing all necessary backups prior to using this tool in production environments. Any updates to the questions/issues above will be present in this new listing.

Thank you,

Joe Kribs